Well here goes nothing...


Western Thunderer
Finally placed a order for a couple of items from David at MMP. Class 08 and a couple of mineral wagons, I hope to get along to Shepshed at the weekend to get a Connoisseur brake van, maybe a rivet punch from Metalsmith & some wheels from Slaters. I also need tools from Squires.

I have been thinking long and hard about how & why I want to get back into model railways, and the answer is to remember those locomotives which I had haulage behind in the 1970s & was too young to travel behind in the 1960s. So 7mm or bigger was the only way to go, I do want an accurate representation of the railway I remember, smaller than 7mm isnt going to give me the detail.

I don't really have space at home for a permanent layout so it is likely to be stock in display cases, or maybe a diorama of a loco stabling point.

Why starting with MMP, well everyone has to start somewhere, my initial though was go for a DJH Class 03, but kits are on back order. Then I thought MOK being local to me and also having an excellent reputation, but the locos I want from MOK are not for beginners, the likes of the Ivatt, standard 4 tank & 8f. I did think of a JLTRT Derby Sulzer but I want to enjoy the build over a period of time.

The inspiration for the 08 came from page 78 of The Bradford Barton, "Branch Lines Round Britain in the Diesel Era".

My wife will no doubt regret telling me to get another hobby so I am not sat a the computer every evening.


Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Finally placed a order for a couple of items from David at MMP. Class 08 and a couple of mineral wagons...

Why starting with MMP, well everyone has to start somewhere...
A good choice - the instructions are thorough and warrant careful study... and the parts fit. There is at least one build of the Cl.08 on WT so you have company.

Brian Daniels has a website with detail photos of the class - a necessary evil for a class that has seen the better side of a "golden" birthday.

regards, Graham


Western Thunderer
A package arrived this morning from David at MMP, thanks for the unexpected email at 22:30 on Tuesday night to let me know that my order had been received & indeed had been despatched on Tuesday. As you correctly said in your email my junk mail or rather Google had decided to trash all your emails.

A quick look at everything on Wednesday lunch time at work & I am very pleased. From my novice viewpoint, etchings are crisp with clearly defined detail & fold lines etc. Castings are outstanding to my eye, although my last experience of "white metal" was MTK kits in the 1970s!

I ordered one mineral pre folded to give me an idea of what I was facing, tonight will be checking parts lists & reading the instructions.

Suppose I should take this thread to Area 51 as I am now in action rather than talking about it!

Thanks to marsa69 for inviting me down to Lincolnshire Poacher way back in the autumn of 2010, I have been far too slow picking up the tools.

I didn't mention earlier that when I noticed Dave Sharp of MOK was looking for interest in a 9f kit, I reserved one for myself. The kit is due some time in 2014, I need to get lots of hours building experience before I tackle that. Brave or foolish?


Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
Good choices so far! Just a quick thought that you might want to go for the Slater's brake van as the mouldings make a better job of the 'heft' of the timber body than thin etches do. The level of detail of the Slater's version is perhaps better too, although it may help if someone could confirm that. Slater's also do some very nice spring w-irons for it.


Another option for the brake vans (if you haven't already ordered it) is the ABS white metal kit. I have three of them and they are not only quite hefty but also very well cast and finely detailed.

As a beginner myself, I'm looking forward to seeing the builds.


Western Thunderer
Must admit I have not considered anything other than the Connoisseur brake vans, but I will look at the Slaters & ABS before I decide. Is ABS direct sales only?


Western Thunderer
The inspiration for the 08 came from page 78 of The Bradford Barton, "Branch Lines Round Britain in the Diesel Era".

Inspired me to do my 08 too. That one and the shot on page 33:).


Flying Squad
Knee tremblers both of them, but the one that most does it for me 08-wise is page 79.

But overall fave shot is p73 and the cover, utter Hymekishness, BR brake van and Welsh too - what more could anyone possibly ask for?

Apologies to those who don't know the book and the op too for drifting off in to the Principality:D



Flying Squad
Going back to the subject, I can certainly vouch for the Connoisseur BR brake van, I have a 1/32 blow up and found it very nice to build and I think it captures the look of the real thing very well indeed.


I haven't quite finished it yet, but that's no reflection on the kit, more my need to over complicate the undergubbins:rolleyes:

None of this is against the other brake van options by the way.
