Where possible I have been checking on recommended minimum radii for the stock I have.
So far, from Broadway Limited's web site:
SP AC-4/5 (articulated cab forward) - 22" plus
Daylight coach (with full width corridor connections) - 22"
Others which I don't own usually specify 15", including their UP Big Boy! No details for the out of production GS-4 (4-8-4)
Next, Athearn Genesis
SP MT-4 4-8-2 - 22"
All my others are well out of production (from the 1980s) so no data on line.
22 inches is 560mm so a 180º curve would be 1200mm across for the inner track, a bit more for the outer radius. It might be an idea to expand the two end baseboards with a custom size of 1300mm long by 600mm wide (instead of 1200mm x 400mm) but other combinations could work.
John's recommendation of 30", or 762mm would require an end board (possibly two bolted together) of 1800 x 600 (2 x 900 x 600) with part of the curves beginning on scenic/storage boards. The footprint would then be 4,800mm x 1800mm. And there would be two existing boards not used.

Plenty of room for operating inside the layout would be an advantage. Also, the two spare boards could be modular inserts should I ever have the space. It does seem a large area for what is a smallish layout but as LarryG has shown with Llanfair Road, sometimes less really can be more, and more realistic too.