HO Eureka Heights (SP) Houston


Western Thunderer
I have to program the Aux1 or Aux2 light CV and the instructions are not in the box!

if you know/can find the cv number, then any programmer should be able to do it. I use an old Lenz LH100, but I’ve also got the LAN-USB-DCC interface and can connect JMRI to the layout & thus the locos via that. I don’t use the JMRI much but it does have some useful features.


Western Thunderer
Thanks, Simon. The cv is not defined but ESU do have some information in one of their “100 page downloads” which will have to be researched. What with the now defunct Quantum Revolution instructions for the E8 decoders (which produce great sounds) I am finding this aspect of the project to be more time consuming than I think it should be.

I plan to visit FB Systems (near Béziers) while in France. Le Patron is American HO friendly and may be a good source of information. They have now restricted their hours to 10 to 12, mail order being the mainstay of business during Covid. The French health authorities, by the way, are predicting an eighth wave of Covid this autumn.


Western Thunderer
More on the IHC pacific. A generic model produced in various road liveries.




The nearest T&NO pacific classes would be the P-5 and P-6 and Dunscomb shows that there are several material differences in appearance.

The first and most obvious is the tender! Fortunately I have a Vanderbilt tender which would be a lot more correct if a little short (it's from the Roundhouse prairie). The sand dome is wrong and the bell should be between the two domes, not hanging off the front of the smokebox. The smokebox and chimney should be painted gunmetal as should the firebox, only the smoke box front being "aluminium". That would tone down the paint before weathering. The motion is not particularly good but again weathering should tone it down. The 8 panes in the cab side windows are typically not present on SP pacifics, so they can go. Some of the plastic moulded pipework can be replaced with wire. The air pump (not shown in photos) is reasonably accurate. The whistle/safety valve needs upgrading as well.

The road number 2416 is listed as being Class P-4 which was a class rebuilt from P-1s. The boiler is all wrong for this, being parallel from cab to smokebox door. So I can choose either P-5 or P-6 as a go by, they also lasted into the transition era. These pacifics were very much at home around Houston and the short Vanderbilt tender was also used there.

The mechanism needs to be tested and of course it will eventually need DCC sound.


Western Thunderer
I should add that I asked Broadway Limited if they planned to do an SP pacific anytime soon. Answer: Negative. So a conversion may be the only way to have an authentic Sunset Limited train passing through Eureka. Not sure the IHC pacific is up to the job, though, unless I can add more weight over the drivers.


Western Thunderer
I have been slowly collecting together anything related to North American HO scale ready to bring back to the U.K. Forgotten finds include a pack of code 75 flexible track and 6 Grainge and Hodder baseboards to add to the two I recently ordered. These were to be used for a portable Penmaenpool layout and were put away in the attic when the railway room provided a permanent home for what is now Moor Street. Four were made up so are bulky but stuff can be packed inside them. Lots of connectors as well so a big saving.


I shall keep looking for anything else but these were the unexpected bits that will be reused. I am beginning to like HO!


Western Thunderer
I blame these things on COVID and also on moving house twice in England in 2020. I had an inkling the baseboards might have been stored but was truly surprised on opening up the attic. The track was a legacy from a 4mm branch line layout when I had a small apartment while working in West Africa. I am also more of a kleptomaniac than I thought!


Western Thunderer
An interesting announcement from Walthers concerning the City of San Francisco complete streamliner. Clearly this train never went to Houston (!) but reading through the locomotive offerings, it would appear that a newly tooled Southern Pacific Alco PA-PA option will be included, and a couple of numbering options do make headlines for T&NO operators. Two versions #200+#203 and #202+#211 will be available in 2024 for $600, this price including DCC and sound. These were used on many T&NO express services, particularly the Sunbeam after the P-14 pacifics were retired.

Although I am trying hard not to spend money on Eureka Heights but refurbish and improve what I already have, the Alco set is hard to ignore. I seriously doubt if I could find brass versions and add DCC for the same price. The difficulty, of course, is the knowledge that import duty, VAT and shipping costs could push the price up to near $1,000 and the dollar is currently very strong ($1.15:£1.00).

Decisions, decisions!
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Western Thunderer
Thanks for the advice, sounds like a plan. I need to check this out with La Poste and also Walthers. Timing would be important. Years ago we shipped some fine silver flatware from France to the USA and with the documentation in French it passed through with no charges.

Edit to add that FB Systems is a Walthers dealer so a visit is now planned to discuss.
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Western Thunderer
I just came away from FB Systems. They can get “anything” from Walthers etc. so I am seriously thinking about their € price for the Alco PA-PA. No need to pay a deposit.

I also bought some supplies while there.


Western Thunderer
FB Systems also had three Broadway Limited locos on the shelf, an SP&S 4-8-4, a Santa Fe steamer and a G-1. Just about everything else was European HO. British goods were dominated by Peco track while Woodland Scenics’ availability was excellent. The next closest Walthers dealership is in Barcelone.

DCC sound decoders can be sourced, I just need to specify brand and sound file.


Western Thunderer
After a night’s sleep following our return journey last evening down Autoroute 9* (my personal highway to hell and back) I have decided on the basis of simple arithmetic and least line of resistance to go with FB Systems and order the two Alco PAs with DCC and sound. A long wait of at least 18 months but nothing comes easy these days! The thought of two daylight hauled diesel powered trains passing each other at Eureka Heights (Sunbeam to Dallas, Sunset Limited from San Antonio) will spur me on to build the layout in time. And I will have the steam options as well by then.

*Modern technology caught up with me south of Narbonne with an overhead sign displaying my registration number followed by “trop vîte”. I checked the speedometer and yes, I was exceeding the 130kph limit. A friendly reminder that big brother is out there.


Western Thunderer
you want to worry when the phone goes,

"Bonsoir M Ashton, voulez vous payer maintenant par carte bancaire? Dites "Oui" pour payer avec votre carte commencant par 5563, ou "non" pour payer en especes au prochain gare de payage..."


Western Thunderer
Worry? I escaped through the toll booth just in time! But I'd better look at my next telepéage invoice!

At first I thought your post referred to my order. Happy to say the confirmation just came in from FB Systems, with "Nous vous confirmons la commande PA/PA 920-43704. Nous vous contacterons lors de la sortie du modèle.


Western Thunderer
I've been thinking about how best to use the baseboards. With eight 1200mm by 400mm boards I can put one at each end crosswise and three between them front and back with a narrow opening between font and back of 400mm by 3,600mm. The three front boards will be fully scenicked, the two end boards, partly so with minimum radius curves around to the back three boards which will be storage loop sidings for each direction of travel.

Now I can just about squeeze into that gap but ideally it would be better used as a drop in scenic filler using lightweight materials. This would give a total footprint of 4,400mm by 1,200mm. This will fit into my motor house once the 1935 Riley Kestrel is refurbished and sold and still give plenty of workshop area.

Screen Shot 2022-09-29 at 3.06.46 PM.png

The question is, though, what minimum radius should I be considering. Often this radius is considered to be around 360mm/15" for HO, or R1, but will this work? I think some testing will be necessary. Scenic breaks are also a problem for the area being modelled. Very few bridges, mostly grade crossings, absolutely no tunnels, leaving trees and possible buildings as the best options. Loblolly pines are indigenous and grow to a good height before being felled by a tornado or hurricane. Live oaks also keep their leaves all winter and can grow to a good size.

This screenshot along the old SP double track main line shows today's scenery. It would have been different 70 years ago, with warehouses and sidings on the left side of the tracks and possibly fewer trees as this area has been gentrified since I left Houston.

Screen Shot 2022-09-29 at 2.47.47 PM.png

This view is looking west toward Eureka Junction. I am thinking of having a freight storage loop on the right side and an access loop to several sidings on the left side. The front of the baseboard would be where the nearest car is parked, so a clear view of passing trains except at the bends where trees could act as a mask.

As I am "new" to HO, what do others think of a minimum radius? Speed is not really a concern in this near city centre setting.

Rob R

Western Thunderer
What radius?
As big as you can. You are going to be running some big stuff around EH and memories of my Triang Nellie tearing around 14 inch super 4 curves are still vivid 50 years later.
Use the full 1200mm width if you can.


Western Thunderer
Hi Paul,
While it is possible to use 15” radius in H0 - it isn’t highly recommended! You can get 40’ boxcars around such curves and such as Bachmann 44T BB diesels would be quite happy but earlier you said you were getting a couple of pairs of PA’s?
No can do, mate!
They will need a minimum of 22” radius just to crawl around - going forwards. I have a rather longer SD60 and that baulks at 22”.
Were you to try pushing a long rake of 89’ foot coaches around, I would be wincing somewhat.
I would be aiming for 30” minimum or greater if you can.
The pure pleasure of trouble free running is well worth it.


Western Thunderer
I guess I thought the above answers would set me straight! Thank you! Some experimentation now in order. One solution would be another two baseboards so that the minimum radius could be around 600mm (24") or perhaps a bit more. I don't see pushing 89' coaches on a main line, 40' box cars yes, if being part of a local pickup freight but only in the sidings.


Western Thunderer
I have got so used to a 1.8m minimum radius in 7mm scale that these tight HO curves do seem ridiculous. But on the boxes of many models they claim even large locomotives can run on 15” radius. My curves will not exactly be visible and speed restrictions could be imposed but smooth running is always an aim (Moor Street has seen several track redesigns).

Many Stateside layouts have spirals leading from one deck level to another. These always seem to be very tight. Google offers lots of designs which only serve to confuse! But Noch sell double track helices with radii of 420mm (16.5") and 483mm (19.0") which is a start for experimentation. Not that I intend to use a spiral!
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