Graham, here you go in glorious technicolor

First an image of a completed RJH/ PRMRP model, the green line is where the body join should be, then the radiator needs extending to make it 50% of the new size, the exhaust manifold and silencer also need moving along accordingly, as do the engine roof covers etc. Second image is a 1:1 for comparison.
Strange thing is, a very quick check shows none of the 59s are like this either. I have not checked every individual loco, there are differences in that class as well, not your worry, just more for my interest

. So goodness knows where they got this style of body work from.
Addendum, PRMRP power cubicle size is based on 59/2 series.
Hope that clears that up for you

One other point, please make sure the body goes on the right way around LOL, there are some models out there where the fuel tank and battery box are back to front LOL, note cab doors are not equi distance from the front of the loco so the body must go on the right way round to line up with the steps on the bogies, but your a long way from that conundrum

One other pit nick I've spotted is the chassis support for the primary rubber springs, PRMRP has a flat solebar, there should be large curved protruding section to support the chassis on the rubber springs, I suspect that either the PRMRP bogie is too narrow (should be 92" over datum casting) or the solebar too wide. Class 59 do not have this so that could be a heritage carry over on the kit.