1 results found for 'Ian Metcalfe'

  • Class 50 Indomitable

    Ian Metcalfe

    Issue 50 (1991)



    For our 50th issue, it is appropriate that we should feature a Class 50 – especially one that has obviously seen a bit of action! When we saw the magnificently re-painted and detailed 50s on Ian Metcalfe’s superb 1980’s period 4mm/OO layout ‘Pengwynn Crossing’ we asked for a description but he went one better and started afresh, taking the opportunity to portray an engine which had been quietly challenging him for some time. Under his hands, a gleaming Lima ready-to-run loco becomes the shabby, care-worn but unbowed NSE workhorse Indomitable.

    Tags: BR / British Railways / British Rail, detailing, diesel locomotives, RTR / kit conversions, weathering