3 results found for 'John Watson'

  • Kenton - A Suffolk Idyll

    John Watson

    Issue 72 (1994)



    John Watson lives, works and is happy in Suffolk. The ramshackle delights of the old Mid Suffolk Light Railway caught his imagination many years ago and have captivated him ever since, to the extent that he has now produced a second award-winning 4mm/P4 layout portraying the line. It's a lovingly-made and visually stunning work of art.

    Tags: layouts, light railways, MSLR / Mid-Suffolk Light Railway

  • Laxfield – A Journey of Discovery

    John Watson

    Issue 0 (1985)



    John Watson began railway modelling just seven years ago with a Hornby train set, a book of track plans and an 8ft x 4ft board. Today, he has a superb 4mm finescale layout which is a consistent success at exhibitions, both with aficionados and the public at large. He puts this full-circle transformation of ideals and standards down to a simple desire to get things right, but there can be little doubt that his studied approach, refreshingly uncluttered by the tenets and protocols which sometimes seem to make finescale modelling a sphere for 'graduates' only, played a major part. What happened to the train set on that domestically unwelcome 8x4? It was sold, and the children for whom it was intended moved on to slot-cars and the more spectacular attractions of Star Wars models. But John had been bitten by the bug and set off – with an unusual local prototype in mind – on a journey of discovery and, as can be seen here, of achievement. Let him chronicle the progress.

    Mid-Suffolk Light Railway

    Tags: layouts, light railways, MSLR / Mid-Suffolk Light Railway

  • The Flockbox 'Fusion'

    John Watson

    Issue 262 (2018)


    John Watson describes his experiments with the application of static grass using a Lockbox

    Tags: scenery, techniques