Issue 5 1986      « Previous issue  |  Next issue »

Edited by Bob Barlow & Gerry Beale

MRJ Issue 5
  • The 'Taw Vale Light'

    Philip Hall



    The Taw Vale Light Railway is remarkable in many ways, combining compactness with an open, airy feel and portraying a down-at-heel line on a baseboard that is in itself a high quality household ornament. Philip Hall discusses his creation.

    Fictional light railway terminus set in 1950s Devon.

    Tags: layouts, light railways

  • A Vegetable Plot in 4mm Scale

    Chris Pilton



    Not everyone will necessarily put this much effort into creating just one tiny lineside feature, but to do justice to the fine standards of wheels, track and other high fidelity equipment used by so many modellers today, it is worth paying more attention to the rest of the scene. Lineside allotments were a familiar feature on spare land at most country stations so Chris Pilton's description of how he built this outstanding vegetable plot could be very useful to a great many readers. He believes that anyone can achieve similar results with a little patience and observation of the prototype.

    Tags: scenery

  • Setting up a portable kit-building workshop

    Rod Neep


    An essential pre-requisite for any modeller is space in which to work. Whilst the area required for kit-building need only be small, we often find ourselves in direct conflict with the requirements of a certain other member of the family! Very often the space happens to be the kitchen table, or some other obtrusive situation, and an intolerable state of affairs can soon arise. When Rod Neep began kit-building the circumstances soon developed where just about every meal was taken on a tray, while watching television, and the surface of the kitchen table remained unseen for weeks on end. Obviously something had to be done and the following is Rod's solutions.

    Instructions for building a set of simple, portable units for holding tools, as well as a list of 'essential' tools for the kit builder.

    Tags: tools

  • MRJ Portfolio


    4mm weathered goods wagon by Chris Crofts. 7mm signalbox interior. Tiny 4mm peat tramway locomotive by Brian Clarke.LBSCR trailer-brake composite by Adrian du Heaume. 4mm signal box based on prototype at Levisham.

    Tags: MRJ Portfolio, signal boxes, wagons, weathering

  • Banana Split - Part 1

    Monty Wells



    Chopping up 'flying bananas' (or, to be absolutely correct, their angular sisters from Swindon) is a perfectly acceptable pastime for any self-repsecting modeller, insists Monty Wells. Armed with the definitive book on the GWR AEC railcars, he has at last emerged from another marathon at the drawing board and workbench to discourse on the joys of bashing three Lima singles into an impressive 4mm finescale twin-set - another chapter in the story he calls 'The Romance of Blue Smoke and Black Oil'. In this, the first of two parts, he unveils a superb set of drawings, reviews the book and prepares the slab for the butchery to come.

    Tags: DMU / Diesel Multiple Units, drawings / plans, GWR / Great Western Railway, prototype, railcars, RTR / kit conversions, RTR / ready-to-run

  • G.W.R. Six-wheeled Siphons

    John Lewis


    In the last issue we looked at the recently introduced D&S Models etched brass kit for the GWR milk van - or 'siphons' according to the telegraph code book. With these notes John Lewis examines the genre from the prototype point of view and provides buidlers of the kit with additional information.

    Tags: drawings / plans, GWR / Great Western Railway, prototype, vans

  • No. 1 Shop: Matters Arising

    Iain Rice


    Controllers for the RG4/1219 motors.

    Tags: controllers, electrics / electronics, motors, No. 1 Shop

  • G.N.R. Horseboxes

    Nick Campling


    In the wake of another fine 4mm kit from D&S Models, and growing interest in all areas of non-passenger coaching stock, Nick Campling discusses an attractive prototype.

    Prototype details for diagrams 351/352 including 4mm scale drawings.

    Tags: coaches, drawings / plans, GNR / Great Northern Railway, horseboxes, LNER / London & North Eastern Railway, prototype, vans

  • Sharmanworks

    Iain Rice


    Iain Rice conducts a tour around the empire of 4mm modelling's most prodigious wheelwright. If you work in 4mm scale, and should your bent be the construction of model locomotives, it will not be long before you encounter the ubiquitous Mr. Sharman and his range of finescale 4mm driving wheels - not to mention the gears, gearboxes, suspension components, bushes, universal drives and chatty little booklets that also emanate from his Wiltshire workshop.

    Tags: components, wheels

  • The Final Torpoint

    Gerry Beale



    A personal appreciation of a surprisingly effective minimum space 7mm scale layout and its creator John Harrison by Gerry Beale.

    GWR branch-line terminus.

    Tags: GWR / Great Western Railway, layouts, minimum space

  • Small Suppliers Forum


    Alan Gibson/K&L - scale flexible track. David Baxter - diminishing-course slate sheets. Roxey Mouldings - etched headcode discs. ScaleSeven Models - 7mm/4mm scale rule. Liahona Models - 4mm chassis kits. Nine Lines - 4mm narrow gauge rolling stock kits. Nu-Cast - Midland huts.

    Tags: Small Suppliers Forum

  • From the Modeller's Armchair: A voice in the wilderness

    Roy Link


    Roy Link, no stranger to high-precision modelling, wonders if we concentrate too much on engineering and not enough on art. Or is he just... [a voice in the wilderness].

    Tags: From the Modeller's Armchair, theory

  • Saffron Street - the X Factor

    David Lane



    P4 layouts aren't all rural idylls or Colonel Stephens might-have-beens. David Lane describes his true-grit essay in urban atmosphere - Harold Wilson's Britain laid bare, nostalgia without rose-tinted glasses.

    Tags: BR / British Railways / British Rail, layouts