
  1. G

    Queensbridge Road Wharf

    I started this layout just after the Cameo Competition was announced last year. I've only recently joined this forum but I wanted to share my efforts. I find that different forums generate different responses to the same material. Please forgive the copying and pasting, after this post I'll...
  2. Michael D

    North London Railway Class 51 4-4-0T

    Morning all, Does anyone know of any photos or diagrams showing the North London Railway Class 51 from above or into the cab or have a works drawing of those parts????? They liked taking broadside pictures at the works and plenty of front end shots, but id love to see how the cab was organised...
  3. Ressaldar

    7mm Ressaldar - NLR Park 0-6-0t

    Having parted company with all but one of my diesel fleet and the greater part of the diesel library, I was able to think about what to do next on the workbench. I had been keeping my eye on an un-started kit for a North London Railway Park 0-6-0t which had been advertised on the Guild website...