Thanks for the interest guys.
It must have beginners luck because the chain seems to be 'just right' on the Class 24 power bogie, just tight enough without being too tight. It moves so smooth quiet as well - I have put in a link to the video I took last Saturday at Carlisle running day (the loco runs just after the noisey Peak). Its the first time I have tried this type of link so I hope it works
In fact, it was so quiet I forgot about it running round and it was only when I looked at the footage while editing that I realised it ran for about an hour and a half and the motor was barely above cool.
However, I do 'get' the use of a tensioner when the 'sweet spot' is between a link (link 'in' and it is too slack, link 'out' and it is too tight).
Richard, I like your idea, any chance of you putting a piccie to explain to an old fuddy-duddy like me. JB, like your idea as well, but as this is one of Mr Waterman's plastic chassis can you recommend any
really low melt solder I could use
Sorry mate, just had to put that bit in. You will be pleased to know that I am working today on the baseboard (singular) for my scale 7 layout. Hopefully it will be finished (the baseboard not the layout!) by tonight so I will take some piccies tomorrow and put on that thread (
New S7 Layout ) if the weather is OK.