I took the opportunity of good weather today to start a bit more construction work in the garden. I printed out part of the plan of the baseboards and supports and clipped it to my old Rotring drawing tablet as an
aide memoire of measurements.
I use the distance measurement in AutoCAD LT to give all the distances between the various key points - mainly post centres. AutoCAD gives the dimensions to three decimal places in millimetres but I'm rounding them down to whole numbers until I get a vernier attachment for the spade.
...and a closer shot of my scribbled figures on the plan.
I also got the water level set up again and double checked it with one of the posts set up last year. I had stored it in the garage over the winter with corks in the ends to keep the water in. But the water seemed to have grown a life of its own so I flushed it out and re-filled with fresh.
I opted to start at the southern, or house, side of the layout I had to start with the second post from the existing posts since the tree in the middle of the garden gets in the way of the measuring lath from the post in the middle of the garden. So here the lath is set round for the second post, also triangulated from one of the existing posts. A plumb line is used to mark the centre on the ground for digging the hole for the post.
Moving on, the second post has been set in place and Postcrete filled around it. The water level is used to set the post top about 5mm below the underside of the baseboard top so that there will be no danger of the posts getting in the way of adjusting the baseboard levels. The centre for the first post had been drilled in the lath between posts and the plumb line is in place to mark its centre.
...and a while later, the first post is in place with its level checked and Postcrete poured around it.
...and the two posts in
situ with all the clobber cleared away.
I had hoped to get more done today but I had underestimated the time it took to dig the holes for the posts. This garden has about two inches of top soil then a mix of heavy clay and rubble underneath that, so digging the holes finishes up with me on my knees with a lump hammer and a jemmy to batter my way down to a reasonably depth of hole, and not to mention the tree roots.
The weather tomorrow is not going to be good, so it looks as though it will be Thursday before I break sweat again.