4mm An EM Workbench: ESSO by Rumney


Western Thunderer
Sorry, I meant the worst one! I was just curious which kit it is because it looks good!

Sorry, long day. Probably this one, taking price, complexity of work and design into account:


This is the Wizard/51L iron ore hopper - importantly - the fitted version. The chassis design isn't great, but not any sort of showstopper (shrunken and inexplicable whitemetal headstocks, overthick brass), the brakegear was totally unusable and most of the castings poorly and crudely mastered in soft alloy. The resin hopper was fine but not provided with any location, etc. NOTE - the unfitted version is probably more or less fine because push rod brakes are much easier.

What you see above is the result of bloody-mindedness and the spares box. It took a couple of years to finish because it made me so grumpy, even though I'm pleased with the result. The Rumney tank will be mostly done in a fortnight which tells its own story.
