Hi Rich
Houston to Apollo 11.....end of radio silence?!
Hope all is well?
Hi Julian,
Thanks for the message, a few little bits going on in the background, but my father has had a number of health related issues since mid-June - one of those scenarios that has gone on, and on, and on and on. But despite that, the NHS has been fantastic. Thankfully 90% of the concerns, tests, exploratory things have come back negative, and the one issue we do have is long-term but manageable, but only really got resolved last month properly, fingers crossed! Its just taken its toll a bit this year, especially on modelling time - I feel somewhat worn out!
Getting back into things slowly. I did have a period where I wondered if S Scale was really for me, but i think that mojo blip has passed. I am actually part way through trying to do the CAD drawings for the Barclay tank, hopefully get them finished over Christmas. I have a couple of weeks off from the day job, so further updates may follow