Thank you. As ever, I’m very grateful for your support and considerate words. I would agree that the kit is a bit duff (I put a lot of it down to age, and being spoiled rotten by more modern offerings), but I do so question the limits of my techniques - never mind my basic inability to fathom a blueprint!
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This is the Mk2. I’ve filled the hole behind the handrail with some Tamiya putty (I would have preferred Squadron White, but my tube has age-expired, it seems), and added a bit of Albion Alloys tube to sit across the door, held with Zap CA. I just need to find a way to fix it, now: it’s way to small to drill, so I’ll probably end up making a pin to fit in the end, and drill - yet another - hole in the door itself.
Thank you again.This hill of beans is easier to climb thanks to you and other helpful (and encouraging) souls.