Jordan said:
[quote=""28ten"":8jsxp8kq] I have said this over and over again, but I think there is a market for basic, but accurate models at a sensible price that us modellers (as opposed to wishlisters/moaners) can work on, but I just dont think some suppliers get it
With you all the way, there!!
And no, suppliers don't get it... when I posted on RMweb about how much my lad had enjoyed the Kid's layout at Telford GOG, and how it was such a pity there wasn't a stand there where you could buy the equivalent stuff, i.e. basic O scale trainsets, I was virtually accused (by a manufacturer- albeit one who doesn't attend Guildex events *hint hint*

) of trying to 'dumb down' O scale, and the comparison was made that it was like asking Model Railway Journal to publish train set pictures.[/quote:8jsxp8kq]
Its not dumbing anything down, its catering for a different segment, in the same way that Loveless A4's cater for a different segment of the market. To use an analogy, Apple make ipods for the different segments and price points from entry level upwards and there is something to suit everyone. too much O gauge is mid and upper market prices with average quality..

I want an O gauge trainset at a sensible price

and for myself I want kits that dont need half the expensive parts replacing :twisted: