7mm , Blackney, A Glimpse of the Forest

Brian T

Western Thunderer
The other fence was the one on the railway side of the path down from the lane to the platform. This was done in Evergreen strips. the uprights being 2.5 mm square and the horizontals being 1mm x 2.5mm. It was built in situ. at the moment it has been left white. Whether I paint it or just weather it I haven't made my mind up yet It will also have bushes and Ivy growing around and through it. As you can see in the second photo it ends at the steps onto the platform next to the station building.

I'm also modelling the line at the end of its days.

Perhaps you have answered your own question there Alan!. ;)

I would have thought that the fence along the path to the station would`nt have been touched in awhile,if they knew closure was coming,so it would be quite weathered?.

And the station platform,will that be succumbing to the weeds and grass also,as this picture show`s; (Ruspidge halt,1967)
Ruspidge Station



Western Thunderer
In answer to the seedy platform the answer is yes but not as much as that photo. The layout is a year of two earlier, the fence will also be weathered.

Jordan or Plymouth Mad

Mid-Western Thunderer
That's a great shot through the trees
Agreed. For the authentic F-o-D look, though, you're going to need some Scraggies wandering around, as per Brian's photo of Ruspidge above. ;)

Scraggies is the local name for sheep, which wander freely through the Forest. AFAIK they're not as plentiful these days after that Foot and Mouth outbreak a few years ago, but when I was regularly delivering down that way in the 90s they were everywhere, and would lie by the roadside quite unpeturbed by traffic. I bet their ancestors in the 60s were similarly unphased by trains.

Alex W

Western Thunderer
I'm also modelling the line at the end of its days. in a few months the line will close so not much spent on keeping everything ship shape and Bristol fashion.

Actually that might be a reason to show recent works!


Western Thunderer
A slight change today. I'm having a rest from scenery and I decided I ought to look at the other Dapol 16ton mineral I have. I don't think it's been out of the box. As with the other one the back to backs were all over the place. I don't know why they can't get them right, but a little while with the B-B gauge and everything was OK. I decided I'd weather it. Here are a few photos with it lightly weathered with the other one which has had a tiny bit more weathering added.



Western Thunderer
Taking it easy today, I don't want to get ahead of myself and find I have very little to do when Boris keeps us in for another3 months or so.

So I took a couple of picks of the layout as a whole. Still a fair bit to do though, Lampost to construct, telegraph post, hedges and trees to foliate and perhaps one or two more to plant as well as some bushes etc, a pannier to weather, people to paint, 2 wagons to build (another ply van and another mineral (BRexMOWT)) a Dodge flat bed to build and paint plus obviously small details etc. The trouble is with all this time on our hands it could all be done in relatively quick order. Hence pacing myself.

Anyway todays photos.

the first looking along the front of the layout from the fiddleyard end and the second one what you see of the scenic section when you walk into the railway room.


Jordan or Plymouth Mad

Mid-Western Thunderer
The trouble is with all this time on our hands ...
Hmmm... I wish!! I keep hearing about all this free time we're all supposed to have, & wonder where mine is. I've only just finished 'proper' work today (being self employed) and now have a load of jobs at home to crack on with :rolleyes:
Anyway never mind free time - I am not at all envious of this layout in any way whatsoever, honest... :confused: :)


Western Thunderer
Hmmm... I wish!! I keep hearing about all this free time we're all supposed to have, & wonder where mine is.

Been thinking the same since I retired Jordan, same happened with the so called permissive society in the swinging sixites. I remember being there but not the perks:D

Alan I was reading your comments about the Dapol wheels back to backs being all over the place, I only have three of their wagons, two are fine but my mineral wagon has the same problem.



Western Thunderer
I've spent the last couple of days adding to the mineral wagon fleet. A Parkside slope sided 16 tonner (Kit PS31). not the easiest kit for me (My left hand does not work as well as it did in the past)as the upright part of the side had to be glued to the top of the bottom of the side (if that makes sense)and then the gap filled. Therefore it became a subject of fairly heavy weathering. It might even get a bit more.


Brian T

Western Thunderer
I feel your pain Alan..!
I started a batch build (4) of Parkside 16 Tonners,including one of the ex 'MoT' wagons a week ago,but have spent more time filling and sanding than actulay building the things.....
Minerals build.jpg

Now i don`t know if it`s me,but i`ve built a couple of these in the past and don`t remember having to do this much filling on them?.

Anyhow you`ve done a nice job on your wagon and the weathering,and together they make a nice rake.
