7mm , Blackney, A Glimpse of the Forest


Western Thunderer
It seems an age since I last posted anything. I have been very slowly developing a thought I've had for some time. The goods yard needs a proper gated entrance. So I have been slowly building a wall(s) and etc when I haven't been enjoying this small Indian summer we've been having here in Norfolk by taking to the water. It seems to have come to an end today.

However a pic. Obviously not finished, wall needs weathering and capping, second wall needs building etc etc. but I think you will get the idea. Facsia board also will need a slight re-trim, it's off at the moment. More photos as work develops



Western Thunderer
It seems a long time since I've posted anything. A lack of mojo I suppose. However two good friends visited today and we had a good old chat, even occassionally about model railways!. However in checking that the railway was running and checking out that Parliamentary Trains "Point Drop Stop" work, they do brilliantly ( Oh by the way excellent service, ordered by phone on Friday afternnon and arrived this morning, almost as far Weat to east you can get, St Davids to near Great Yarmouth) I discovered one of my Dapol minerals was de-railing, I thought at first it was the new Point Stoppers but upon checking back to backs it was the gauge on one of the pairs of wheels had reduced. A quick check with the back to back gauge to push them to the correct gauge and spot of superglue and now all is well. When I thought about I had has a similar problem with another Dapol mineral wagon. So if it happens to you, ie de-railing check the back to backs.
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Western Thunderer
More work done chassis now completed with buffers and couplings added.

Next will be painting and finishing off the bolsters, adding transfers and then weathering and adding the load.

The thoughts I've had on the load are the pipes which come with the kit for work being done athe colliery or tree trunks for Forest Furniture (Trees not naturally occurring in the Forest.



Western Thunderer
I seem to have been in the railway room a fair bit this week finishing off the double bolster wagon and giving it a load-------------------------------------------------------------- of tree trunks. Tropical hardwood heading for Forest Furniture/ In actul fact prunings form our Silver Birch.

I also spent time at long last painting the fascia. For ages I was going to paint it the shade of brown I used on Louville Lane, but it was suggested to me on the GOG forum that brown was alright for an urban based layout but that gree might be more approbriate for a rural layout, and you can't get more rural than Blackney. However being a bit of a scrouge I was loathed to spent 20-30 pounds on a pot of paint of which I would barely use any. However a chance visit to Homebase , I found Heritage paints whose tester pots are actula 125ml tins of paint and in the velvet matt section as DH Grass Green the sort of colour I was after. As I thought I might need two coats I bought two tins for £8-00 and i still have half a tin left. Anyway the end result.

I thinks as does the wife that it seems to bring the layout to life.