It seems a long time since I've posted anything. A lack of mojo I suppose. However two good friends visited today and we had a good old chat, even occassionally about model railways!. However in checking that the railway was running and checking out that Parliamentary Trains "Point Drop Stop" work, they do brilliantly ( Oh by the way excellent service, ordered by phone on Friday afternnon and arrived this morning, almost as far Weat to east you can get, St Davids to near Great Yarmouth) I discovered one of my Dapol minerals was de-railing, I thought at first it was the new Point Stoppers but upon checking back to backs it was the gauge on one of the pairs of wheels had reduced. A quick check with the back to back gauge to push them to the correct gauge and spot of superglue and now all is well. When I thought about I had has a similar problem with another Dapol mineral wagon. So if it happens to you, ie de-railing check the back to backs.