7mm , Blackney, A Glimpse of the Forest


Western Thunderer
Work hasprogress and the sky has been painted (sprayed) and mounted
A couple of pix with the subbases down.

sky 2 F.jpg

sky 1 F.jpg

The sky was painted similarly to the main layout some blocks of a light blue were painted on and then the whole sky was sprayed with Grey and White primer until I was happy. Next paint the landscape.


Western Thunderer
The painting took about 11/2 hours using acrylics which dry very quickly
The backboard is hardboard and the backscene is painted on the material that printers use for those roll up/pop up advertising boards that she at stands at exhibitions.


Western Thunderer
Progress on fiddleyard is slowly progress. The sides of the sector plate have been cut down (not off though)
A couple of snaps, absolutely nothing si stuck down. I am thinking of giving the open fieldsonthe back scene another light wash of green to slightly darken it.road 2F.jpg

road 1 F.jpg


Western Thunderer
Progress on fiddleyard is slowly progress. The sides of the sector plate have been cut down (not off though)
A couple of snaps, absolutely nothing si stuck down. I am thinking of giving the open fieldsonthe back scene another light wash of green to slightly darken it.View attachment 201724

View attachment 201725

I think there's a lot to be said about scenic fiddle yards. On my Pencarrow there's 4 tracks that go off scene under two bridges (must buy a bus). The rear two are kickback sidings. In front of that is the main route to Wadebridge and in front of that is the freight branch to Wenford.

I'm thinking front two lines will be cassettes but I'm seriously thinking about having the rear two sidings and approx 450mm of board depth as being scenic. Buildings at the back behind the sidings and a wall at the front as the Wadebridge and Wenford lines are ½" and 1" lower respectively.


Western Thunderer
Larry I used Balsa wood. The one advantage of ex GWR lineside fencing is that the wire is on one side of the post. it takes me about 20-30 minutes to do a 12 post run. Each end of the jig where the lines are drawn has a notch, and your chosen wire? in my case eazeeline is notched and taped. The posts are the placed under the wires and a dap of superglue is placed on each wire as it crosses the post. Hey presto job done. I do NOT strtch the Eazee line as when you cut it fee it contacts into a ess. As tou might guess I learnt by experience..
A quick snap slightly out of focus I'm sorry to say. when put on the layout the post was pushed behind the grass so the post and the wires are against the backscene,

fence erected.jpg


Western Thunderer

Mr Smug here was absolutely convinced your 21T cap. plate wagon with timber (pitch pine?) load needed to be red carded due to overload.
So guesstimating 6 baulks @ 20"x20"x24ft and 3 baulks @ 14"x14"x24ft yields 525 cubic feet.
Looked up average wood density and allowing the advised 40kg per cubic ft gives us ........exactly 21 tonnes!

:mad::mad::mad: :rolleyes: