7mm , Blackney, A Glimpse of the Forest


Western Thunderer
Hi Alan,

Peter Kazar used similar colours on his backscene for 'Boot', which I saw at the Welshpool show last year, I was struck by how simple and effective it was. I like the sound of the material that you are using, can't say that I envy you painting all those trees though. :)



Western Thunderer
have spent the last week or so building a bridge for the right hand end of the layout. As there were no road over bridges at Blakeney I've based it on one just before Mierstock Tunnel on the Lydney- Lydbrook line. For the same reason I'm beginning to think that Blakeney may not be a good name for the layout, I'm thinking that "A Glimpse of the Forest" might be more appropriate, especially as the station building is going to be based on the one at Ruspridge.

Anyway back to the bridge. The arch is a Langley vacuum formed one, the walls are Slater's. the main backing structure is a mixture of balsa wood and foam board. There is still much to do, capping on the side walls, fences and hedges running on to and the road/track surface to be put in position and of course colouring and weathering. You may notice that the siding has been truncated by about 6 inches this is to allow the land( when it is in place) to look more natural.

Anyway some pics.



Western Thunderer
‘A Glimpse of the Forest’ - sounds intriguing, Alan and also unusual. I like it.

The Slaters is a good match too for the Langley arch. I didn’t realise they were separate elements until you mentioned it.

Good to see it’s all coming along nicely.




Western Thunderer
A little more work done on the bridge, capping (copping?) stones added and the fence which will end in a hedge. Blooper time.

It was whilst I was taking the photo I noticed that the stone work on one side was different to the other. The stone on left was smaller than the right. WHOOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. It has now been peeled off and the larger stone has been substituted. You were all too kind to mention it. Thank You.

Jordan or Plymouth Mad

Mid-Western Thunderer
It was whilst I was taking the photo I noticed that the stone work on one side was different to the other. The stone on left was smaller than the right. WHOOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. It has now been peeled off and the larger stone has been substituted. You were all too kind to mention it. Thank You.
I thought it was a go at modelling forced perspective... :) ;) :D

Actually, I didn't notice it at all :oops: ...until you said.!! :rolleyes:


Western Thunderer
A little more work done on the bridge, capping (copping?) stones added and the fence which will end in a hedge. Blooper time.

It was whilst I was taking the photo I noticed that the stone work on one side was different to the other. The stone on left was smaller than the right. WHOOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. It has now been peeled off and the larger stone has been substituted. You were all too kind to mention it. Thank You.

Honestly, Alan, neither did I.


Western Thunderer
Whilst getting used to the brightness and clarity that has resulted from a cataract operation yesterday I thought I'd play with a bit of grass?? I now see things much brighter. I can now see why people argue about colours of locos etc.. It has driven home to me how we all see colours differently.

Any how some photos, by the way nothing is stuck down yet.



Western Thunderer
That is looking good Alan, the greenery blends nicely with the ballast and bridge. Hope you aren't suffering too much discomfort following your op.

Best Wishes,

Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
The grass looks good (and I shall be ordering some as you advised earlier what you use).

I do like the picture of the tunnel mouth seen through the bridge. Very effective from the low angle.


Western Thunderer
I've done some more work roughing out the scenery at the right hand end of the layout. As yet nothing glued down. this will stay unglued until I have worked some more on the bridge. But it gives some sort of Idea as to what this area of the layout will look like.

May I take this opportunity to Wish you all a Happy Christmas and a Great and Successful modelling New Year