Do I detect the voice of painful experience?
Spent the weekend playing about with templates about an idea I've been mulling over for a few weeks, a small micro layout with a scenic section of 4ft 6 and a width of 1ft 6. Possibly using 3 set track points slightly shortened Track plan as below
When I used the O scale Peco Setrack, in order to reduce the 6' way I cut a 3 sleeper section off the point curve and the corresponding length off the Setrack curve. This reduced the track centres from 150mm to 105mm - the result is at the bottom of the photo.
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"Like" seems an inappropriate response to your post Alan, but all the best with the Op.Work on the new layout has almost stopped as the cataract in my left eye has become considerably worse and my optometrist agreed on Friday and refered me and three hours later got a phone call giving me an appointment
Good luck Alan and I hope the op is a complete success.Work on the new layout has almost stopped as the cataract in my left eye has become considerably worse and my optometrist agreed on Friday and refered me and three hours later got a phone call giving me an appointment this coming Thursday for an assessment so hopefully it will be done within the next 4 weeks. I had the right eye done just before the pandemic and the lockdowns. Oh I have ordered the basebpard from Tim Horn hopefully ready this coming Friday.