Last year I was asked for info. about my 'Fusion Flock Box', yesterday I dug it out again to create a few small grass mats. Seeing as the original post generated a fair bit of interest I took a few photos of the procedure.
All set up and ready to go, a mix of 2mm and 6mm fibres were placed on the device. The black lead is the 9v power input and the green one clips onto a piece of silicon paper, which is coated with PVA. A word of warning, if you have a pacemaker or a similar device be very careful indeed, and wear a face mask as the fibres become airborne during the procedure.
The silicon paper, in this case the backing from some self adhesive labels was clipped to a scrap piece of styrene sheet. The green clip must be in contact with the PVA, which the manufacturer recommends as an adhesive, and to complete the circuit.
The Flockbox is switched on, and thanks to holding the metal part of the green clip rather than the insulated part I got a nice shock, to think I used to be a sparky

The fibres shoot upwards and stick to the PVA coated silicon paper and that is that.
Once the PVA has dried, the silicon paper was peeled away, leaving the fibres stuck to a thin transparent base of dried PVA. The mat on the left has 2mm fibres, and the others are mixes of 2mm / 6mm fibres. To create individual tufts, blobs of PVA are applied to the silicon paper.
On the left is an upturned mat showing the dried PVA base, next along is an address label being peeled away from its silicon paper base. Followed by some tufts and a grass mat. I made about a dozen mats in total, using fibres of different colours and length. Silicon paper is widely available in A4 size sheets, I used the address labels because I had plenty to hand and their small size suits my mix and match approach to creating grassland.
Despite spending most of the morning flocking about, and suffering three shocks, I still found the time to run the morning return goods to Kingston.
The driver of 7416 and guard put the world to rights before heading back down the branch.