7mm Bleddfa Road

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Phew ! That was close !

Geoff, your wonderful, beautifully observed modelling has done more to provoke 7mm thoughts for me than anyone else's.

Do keep it up. You might push me over the edge yet !



Several of us are trying Rob.

Well.......er......yes.....you are.....and have been for a while now....

No need for any apologies Rob, in fact you've given me an excuse to tempt you to buy one of those kits, or to take the easy option. ;)

View attachment 229187

Go on, you know that you want one. :D

Best Wishes to all,

Well, I just happened to stumble across something which prompted me to visit a particular, well known retailer and I may or may not have made a purchase..........specifically a brand new 7mm black 14xx for the princely sum of £109.95...............

I mean, that is just simply ridiculous !



Western Thunderer

Well.......er......yes.....you are.....and have been for a while now....

Well, I just happened to stumble across something which prompted me to visit a particular, well known retailer and I may or may not have made a purchase..........specifically a brand new 7mm black 14xx for the princely sum of £109.95...............

I mean, that is just simply ridiculous !

Do you want your B4 and Iron Mink back?

I ask because Geoff used to have a Peco 16 Ton Toad kit that travelled down to me when he didn't want to do 7 mm, and then it ended up going back because he changed his mind.

It had done so many scale miles between us before he built it, that it needed to go through the works for an overhaul before turning a wheel.


Western Thunderer
Do you want your B4 and Iron Mink back?

I ask because Geoff used to have a Peco 16 Ton Toad kit that travelled down to me when he didn't want to do 7 mm, and then it ended up going back because he changed his mind.

It had done so many scale miles between us before he built it, that it needed to go through the works for an overhaul before turning a wheel.

The old Toad is still in use today despite travelling down from Cheshire to Salop and back along the North and West route. It's also travelled to and from Cheshire to Conwy and back on several occasions, but these days it enjoys an easier life.


Meanwhile the bridge scene is coming along far quicker than I expected..........


From early ideas to this ............................


The river passes under the road bridge to merge into the backscene, at the moment I'm just working out the shape and dimensions of the bridge with scraps of card.

Best Wishes,


Western Thunderer
Hi Geoff, happy new year and glad to see you've decided to continue the layout.nd

Did you ever finish the Fordson lorry you were working on?

And a happy new year to you Matt, not to forget everyone else on the forum. I've not been on the forum of late and missed your post, so apologies for the tardy reply.

The old Fordson is still waiting for its windscreen to be fitted along with wipers, rear view mirrors and No.plates.Unfortunately, it's been knocked down the to do list again whilst I concentrate on the river scene.

