7mm Bleddfa Road

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Phew ! That was close !

Geoff, your wonderful, beautifully observed modelling has done more to provoke 7mm thoughts for me than anyone else's.

Do keep it up. You might push me over the edge yet !



Several of us are trying Rob.

Well.......er......yes.....you are.....and have been for a while now....

No need for any apologies Rob, in fact you've given me an excuse to tempt you to buy one of those kits, or to take the easy option. ;)

View attachment 229187

Go on, you know that you want one. :D

Best Wishes to all,

Well, I just happened to stumble across something which prompted me to visit a particular, well known retailer and I may or may not have made a purchase..........specifically a brand new 7mm black 14xx for the princely sum of £109.95...............

I mean, that is just simply ridiculous !



Western Thunderer

Well.......er......yes.....you are.....and have been for a while now....

Well, I just happened to stumble across something which prompted me to visit a particular, well known retailer and I may or may not have made a purchase..........specifically a brand new 7mm black 14xx for the princely sum of £109.95...............

I mean, that is just simply ridiculous !

Do you want your B4 and Iron Mink back?

I ask because Geoff used to have a Peco 16 Ton Toad kit that travelled down to me when he didn't want to do 7 mm, and then it ended up going back because he changed his mind.

It had done so many scale miles between us before he built it, that it needed to go through the works for an overhaul before turning a wheel.


Western Thunderer
Do you want your B4 and Iron Mink back?

I ask because Geoff used to have a Peco 16 Ton Toad kit that travelled down to me when he didn't want to do 7 mm, and then it ended up going back because he changed his mind.

It had done so many scale miles between us before he built it, that it needed to go through the works for an overhaul before turning a wheel.

The old Toad is still in use today despite travelling down from Cheshire to Salop and back along the North and West route. It's also travelled to and from Cheshire to Conwy and back on several occasions, but these days it enjoys an easier life.


Meanwhile the bridge scene is coming along far quicker than I expected..........


From early ideas to this ............................


The river passes under the road bridge to merge into the backscene, at the moment I'm just working out the shape and dimensions of the bridge with scraps of card.

Best Wishes,


Western Thunderer
Hi Geoff, happy new year and glad to see you've decided to continue the layout.nd

Did you ever finish the Fordson lorry you were working on?

And a happy new year to you Matt, not to forget everyone else on the forum. I've not been on the forum of late and missed your post, so apologies for the tardy reply.

The old Fordson is still waiting for its windscreen to be fitted along with wipers, rear view mirrors and No.plates.Unfortunately, it's been knocked down the to do list again whilst I concentrate on the river scene.




Western Thunderer
Since my last update I've been messing about on the river, and its surroundings.


The water is nothing more than a thick coat of PVA applied neat over the riverbed, which was painted and detailed with both real and plaster stones. Just before the PVA went off, ripples were formed on its surface with an old flat brush.


Once the PVA was dry the surface of the river was built up with numerous coats of satin varnish. Clumps of Silflor grass, torn from a mat of winter pasture were added, and are still being added to this day.


More progress on the river and its banks, but there's still plenty of work to be done yet.


This is how I see the scene around the river developing, the fencing, stone walling and telegraph pole are just blu-tacked in place for now, whilst I try different ideas.


l decided to try Mr. Pencarrow's method of creating stonework from scraps of styrene, and am finding it to be very relaxing, thank you Chris. Once the scenery in the background is complete I'll be able to complete the rail bridge.


The bridge was inspired by the right hand arch of this structure which is local to me.


5807 heads for home with the Kington Toad.


Kev G

Since my last update I've been messing about on the river, and its surroundings.

View attachment 232001

The water is nothing more than a thick coat of PVA applied neat over the riverbed, which was painted and detailed with both real and plaster stones. Just before the PVA went off, ripples were formed on its surface with an old flat brush.

View attachment 232002

Once the PVA was dry the surface of the river was built up with numerous coats of satin varnish. Clumps of Silflor grass, torn from a mat of winter pasture were added, and are still being added to this day.

View attachment 232003

More progress on the river and its banks, but there's still plenty of work to be done yet.

View attachment 232005

This is how I see the scene around the river developing, the fencing, stone walling and telegraph pole are just blu-tacked in place for now, whilst I try different ideas.

View attachment 232007

l decided to try Mr. Pencarrow's method of creating stonework from scraps of styrene, and am finding it to be very relaxing, thank you Chris. Once the scenery in the background is complete I'll be able to complete the rail bridge.

View attachment 232008

The bridge was inspired by the right hand arch of this structure which is local to me.

View attachment 232006

5807 heads for home with the Kington Toad.

Hi Geoff. Does the PVA set clear, with the colour coming from the paint on the riverbed?


Western Thunderer
Hi Geoff. Does the PVA set clear, with the colour coming from the paint on the riverbed?

The PVA does indeed dry clear to reveal the painted riverbed Kev, it's an old technique but you do need to use a quality PVA such as Evostick to get the best results.


Lovely picture and local to me too haha. I nicked its name.... :thumbs:

You did indeed nick its name Larry, but what happened to the TH part of it? :)


Dave Holt

Western Thunderer
Is that the bridge at Leintwardine, Geoff?

If so, I drive over it (left to right) on my way home from the Ffestiniog Railway, via Knighton and the Clee Hills. Even been in the pub on the far side.
If not, still a good looking bridge and source for your inspiration.
Love the layout.



Western Thunderer
Is that the bridge at Leintwardine, Geoff?

If so, I drive over it (left to right) on my way home from the Ffestiniog Railway, via Knighton and the Clee Hills. Even been in the pub on the far side.
If not, still a good looking bridge and source for your inspiration.
Love the layout.


Hi Dave,

It is the bridge over the Elwy at Llanfair Talhaiarn, it's just off the A548 about 5 miles from Abergele on the road to Llanrwst. At a first glance it could well be mistaken for the bridge at Leintwardine, but it is shorter and narrower.

Thanks for your kind comment about the layout.
All Wales Llanfair's carry a suffix. My model is a fictional standard gauge Llanfair Caereinion built long before the advent of the Light Railways Act.

It's a good job for the likes of myself that the Welsh Llanfairs carry a suffix Larry. :)

I'm a firm believer in modelling fictional might have been's, they give you far more freedom when designing and modelling a layout.



Western Thunderer
I mistakenly deleted my last post when attempting to edit it, apologies to those of you who read and liked it. To recap here it is again but with some new photos which feature trains for a change.............


I've been laying individual styrene stones on the road bridge for the past couple of days, which has made a pleasant change from scribing them into DAS clay. Timewise there isn't much to choose between the two methods, but it's good to try something new. If all goes well the road bridge should be completed over the weekend and bedded into its surroundings, leaving me free to finish the rail bridge. The fencing, telegraph pole and stone wall are still tacked in place with some of that Blu stuff for now, but a start has been made on painting and texturing the card road surface.


As you can see things have changed since that last post, the fence and telegraph pole are now firmly in place, the stone wall is in the process of being remodelled, and the bridge is all but complete save for a touch of weathering.


The Heljan railbus is still waiting to be backdated with speed whiskers, but at least it runs better now that the excess axle side play has been reduced.

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The old crossing keepers cottage in its new location, once I've finished work in this area I'll be able to complete the rail bridge. In the meantime 7416 returns down the branch with the pick up goods.

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