7mm Bleddfa Road


Western Thunderer
Funnily enough, I was watching a video with this mornings breakfast that showed a GW 0-4-2T on the Kingston to Presteign line in 1964. Your catch point or rail looks very effective.


Western Thunderer
Funnily enough, I was watching a video with this mornings breakfast that showed a GW 0-4-2T on the Kingston to Presteign line in 1964. Your catch point or rail looks very effective.
Good way to start the day Larry watching an 0-4-2T on video ;)

5807 was on the morning goods a couple of months ago, long before the hedgerow was planted.

Thanks for your comment regarding the catch point, there's two of them and both work in tandem with the points leading to the limekiln siding seen below, and the siding loop in the previous shot.




Western Thunderer
I've been busy making a few changes to the layout whilst finding my way around my new Chromebook. Just wish that I had waved goodbye to Windows and its constant updates sooner. Anyway, enough of that here's a few new photos to show you what I've been up to............


The low rock face has been replaced with some rough grass and the short length of fencing that once stood beside the crossing gate has also been removed. I think the scene looks more natural, open and spacious when compared to the old arrangement below.



P1200389~2 (1).jpg

Due to the changes, this view looks a little different as well.....


More brambles, grasses and weeds have been planted around the goods shed and the station building doors have been further distressed to expose bare wood. Telegraph poles are currently on my workbench and a decision will have to be made as regards planting some foxgloves and wildflowers.

Enjoy your weekend,


Western Thunderer
Afternoon Guy's,

My Bleddfa Road project is now entering the final stages, and once a few details have been added down in the goods yard I think I might have taken the layout as far as I can. But I've still plenty of wagon kits to build and weather, my Classic Commercials Fordson truck needs completing and I have a few figures that need painting.


After studying the prototype I decided to model the Peco telegraph poles without any wires as they are waiting to be removed. After all, there isn't much need for any wires seeing as the station is unstaffed and the railway has been lifted beyond it.


I think the telegraph poles add something to the scene even without any wires, one thing that I do need to add are the post stays.



Locos and stock can negotiate the overgrown track leading to the lime kilns with ease.


Finally, a few monochrome shots to keep certain people happy, you know who you are :D


P1200276 (1)~2.jpg



Western Thunderer
That really is exquisite modelling, a standard to be aspired to.
Although Geoff and I have never (knowingly) met, we have been messaging each other since his Penhydd days.

I have received only inspiration and encouragement from this correspondence, and this has been central to improving the standard of my modelling.

It has also taught me that small and simple makes for achievable results.

Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
After studying the prototype I decided to model the Peco telegraph poles without any wires as they are waiting to be removed. After all, there isn't much need for any wires seeing as the station is unstaffed and the railway has been lifted beyond it.

Nice touch Geoff and nice attention to detail. It's this detail we see but do not register which makes the scene.

Although there would be no wires between the poles there would have been remnants left attached to the insulators after they cut the wires - it's something I noticed when looking for Deutsche Bundesbahn style telegraph poles for my own HO layout.

Railway poles Archives - The Telegraph Pole Appreciation Society


Western Thunderer
Although Geoff and I have never (knowingly) met, we have been messaging each other since his Penhydd days.

I have received only inspiration and encouragement from this correspondence, and this has been central to improving the standard of my modelling.

It has also taught me that small and simple makes for achievable results.

Aww shucks Richard, I'm struggling to find the words for my reply, but it hasn't been one way traffic, because you inspired me to give 7mm modelling a try, thank you.

Nice touch Geoff and nice attention to detail. It's this detail we see but do not register which makes the scene.

Although there would be no wires between the poles there would have been remnants left attached to the insulators after they cut the wires - it's something I noticed when looking for Deutsche Bundesbahn style telegraph poles for my own HO layout.

Railway poles Archives - The Telegraph Pole Appreciation Society
Thank you Dave, I hadn't considered that remnants of the wires might have been left attached to the insulators. Thanks also for the link to the website.


NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Morning Geoff.

Well, this is just lovely. As Richard says, small and simple =achievable results but whilst this may be small in 7mm world, the simple ends with the trackplan. There's nothing simple in the execution. We all know you have an attention to detail which is second to none which elevates this lovely layout to the toppest of notches.

Very, very inspirational.



Western Thunderer
Morning Geoff.

Well, this is just lovely. As Richard says, small and simple =achievable results but whilst this may be small in 7mm world, the simple ends with the trackplan. There's nothing simple in the execution. We all know you have an attention to detail which is second to none which elevates this lovely layout to the toppest of notches.

Very, very inspirational.


Good afternoon Rob and thank you for your lovely comment, I'm really pleased that you and others here on the forum have taken some inspiration from my modelling. As you well know there is a lot of satisfaction to be gained from building small, simple layouts that aren't as boring to operate as some might think.


1455 caught between shunts last week..........and heading for home.




Western Thunderer
0 gauge just looks so good and is almost impossible to replicate in 00 because of certain standards. Have you another layout-build in mind?
I had been pondering a small urban layout Larry but I'm getting on in years now. So I will probably make a few minor changes and improvements to the old layout to keep myself occupied.


Geoff, it just gets more and more atmospheric as ever …. I am trying to think of a superlative to describe it ?

Pendon’esque keeps coming to mind for me :thumbs:

Best regards

Thanks Craig, but my modelling falls well short of Pendon standards, mind you there is no harm in trying to improve ;)

As for creating atmosphere that is what interests me the most, and is perhaps best captured in monochrome for the era that I model ?



careful Larry you get bitten again by the bug;)

Well we can live in hope :D


Phil O

Western Thunderer

It's been a good few years since I last visited Pendon, but your modelling easily matches that and probably exceeds it. They have the room to play, that the rest of us dream about, unless we were fortunate enough for numbers to come up on the lottery and a good number of volunteers to produce what they have.


Western Thunderer

It's been a good few years since I last visited Pendon, but your modelling easily matches that and probably exceeds it. They have the room to play, that the rest of us dream about, unless we were fortunate enough for numbers to come up on the lottery and a good number of volunteers to produce what they have.
You are far too kind Phil, thank you.

Pendon and Gordon Gravett have provided me with plenty of inspiration over the years, and both still encourage me to raise my game
