Bow Creek Wharf. c.1946. S7


Western Thunderer
I'm surprised that Skippie hasn't released the kit yet, I thought it was near completion quite a while back...



Western Thunderer
Not intending too much distraction from this topic but I’ve been reading it and viewing the pictures with great interest, having developed a concept for a 4mm model of the nearby Iron Bridge that was demolished in the 1930s. The centrepiece of the model would be a working model tramway across it.

The adjacent rail bridge and yard would have featured on the periphery, too. I investigated the possibility of 4mm [P4] etches for the Y4, but did not make much progress in getting a designer keen enough to take this forward. I did obtain the GERS drawings as well as a stock of wheels and castings suitable for the loco fittings, so continuing to hope!


Western Thunderer
I have been working on patterns to profile mill all the components for a Y4 in 7mm, can't say when it will be finished as it's a spare time job at the moment.



Western Thunderer
That's the problem; hundreds, if not thousands of the things built in Victorian times, and they were used all over transferring goods and minerals from ship to shore, as well as pootling down rivers and canals, but we've not located a decent drawing yet.

As with Y4's, I too have looked long and hard at this interweb thingy, typing various phrases (all of them clean, m'lud) in the hope of liberating an off the shelf solution to my LOL (Lack Of Lighter) problem. The best I came up with was this: The kit is for two tugs, but it does come with two lighters. Shame it's 1:250 (short odds..) but as (at least to me) they capture the shape of the prottype, a simple scaling factor might induce senior scale satisfaction... :)



Gary Day

That plan is something else! :thumbs:

The curve from the barge bank into the warehouse reminds me of the one at Romford into the Ind Coope brewery siding. About as close to Hornby radius #1 as you'll get!

View attachment 16114
I've just seen your photograph of Romford Coal Yard. I am currently planning a P4 layout of Romford but I am lacking information of the yard. Do you have any other photos to post?


Western Thunderer
I've just seen your photograph of Romford Coal Yard. I am currently planning a P4 layout of Romford but I am lacking information of the yard. Do you have any other photos to post?

Thought I'd answer this one as Buckjumper has gone quiet at the moment so I hope all is well there ! bit concerned to be honest.

Anyway your best bet for pictures and info will be the GER society that's if your not already a member.




Western Thunderer
Col - a nice article on Bow Creek and Canning Town in Railway Bylines Vol 21 Issue 11 Oct 2016, with a few great period photos.



Western Thunderer
Col - a nice article on Bow Creek and Canning Town in Railway Bylines Vol 21 Issue 11 Oct 2016, with a few great period photos.


Thanks for the heads up Tony, Fenman did beat you to it though by email, I'll be off to Smiths in due coarse.
Nice to know yer mates look out for your interest's :thumbs:.



Western Thunderer
Well you wouldn't believe it's year since I posted anything on Bow Creek, not much has happened to be honest what with Family ( taking care of the elders) and the day job workbench, plus some work on Love Lane.
Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining there's just more to life than one's own model railway.

Bow Creek is never far from my mind though, I have obtained some commercial road vehicle kits and various bits and pieces of track materials, so I'll post some details in the near future. I did some test work with a building using some old Howards Scenics embossed brickwork paper/card I happen to have but I was nor impressed with it and have made my mind up to have the brick buildings laser cut, especially after seeing the results on Love Lane.

One of the distractions has been the extension, or should that be expansion, of the workshop, not yet finished but water tight in time for winter.
This will know be a large enough space to not only house my machines, workbench, ( both model making and carpentry types) but I will be able to stand up Bow Creek permanently while I work on it.

Having said all that It did occur to me that with nigh on 30'-0" in length I could just fit, down the back wall :):thumbs:, my original plan of Bow Creek Station and exchange sidings that the Wharf would have been connected to.
But....... instead of a proposed oval with one side being a storage yard/ cassettes etc. I could squeeze in a long sector plate ( 6-7 feet) off scene, long enough for the type of train consist I'm considering, with connection to storage sidings to the rear and below the level of the main layout.

This will all be in good time as the Wharf project will be developed first.......and that's after the workshop is finished:D

I'll post ideas and drawings/sketches soon..........



Western Thunderer
You won't be allowed to postpone the Creek for too long Col - I'm still looking for that lighter!!

Don't want to barge in, but its not very nice to want to burn the layout before it is even finished.:eek:

I would like to see the model finished, I used to take the narrow boat out Bow Creek then round the Isle of Dogs and back to Limehouse for a jaunt every so often. Although doing it that way meant the tide was low and getting lower while winding around the creek, so not the most attractive time, to get slack water then the tide coming in on the Thames.


Western Thunderer
No great shakes as yet with regards progress on Bow Creek but as some incentive for my self to get going I have been going through some of the research material I've collected.
This drawing keeps nagging at me to make a start on the cottages and buildings that are planned to sit on the river front to hide the sector plate at the tramway ( Boat St ) end of the layout.

Bow Creek Cottages.jpg

I have gained some incentive from Peter Insoles work on Bagshot Station and the timber and ply construction seems to be the ideal method of building these models although some of the sections of brickwork I would like to have laser cut.

The pub at far right in this scene, 'The Angel' will not figure in this section of the layout as I plan to use a modified version of it at the other end of Boat St. as a detached building near to the yard entrance. This will act as a view blocker to where Boat St. turns away from the river front and disappears of scene to the rear of the layout.

The first building on the left appears to be derelict and this is something I'd like to replicate, with all the tiles missing and virtually all the glass smashed it will mean modelling the interiors of both the ground and first floor areas.
We are in immediate post war period, 1946, so even some bomb damaged building should be included I feel and these will be more to the rear of the layout as the river front buildings need to be as whole or intact as possible to be able to disguise the sector plate.



Flying Squad
Thanks for posting that, do you have a link? - I've just finished building 3 LNWR vans as per the first one in the photo. When I was fitting the corner plates I was having to file the corner off to fit around the buffer. There was nothing about it in the instructions so I wasn't sure if I had fitted everything correctly - so it was good to see the corner taken off on this photo.