Breaking Ground - Finescale - of a sort

Peter Insole

Western Thunderer
According to the news, it finally looks as if this seemingly endless, gloomy, wet and windy weather is coming to an end!

The permanent way has taken an awful pounding this year, and we have been fighting something of a loosing battle - with the formation being notably disturbed in all areas with more moss, weeds, grass and all sorts of other unwanted herbage than previously experienced!

Grandchildren: Master E., and Miss L.R., came round for the day on Sunday last, but with the garden in such a state I feared that having some time on the trains was probably not such a good idea! They didn't appear to be that bothered, but just before they were due to go home, young E., put on the meekest countenance he could muster, and pleaded to "see" the line!

Relenting rather too easily, I unlocked the gate and let them in. Miss L.R., headed straight into the long grass towards the swing, while Mr. E., spent the whole time solemnly pacing up and down the entire length of track!

What a dreadful old meanie I really can be eh?!

The following day turned out warm and dry, and spurred on by a terrible sense of guilt, I grabbed all the tools and set to!

By later in the afternoon, a works train was finally able to reliably run...


...and full use made on transporting loads of broken concrete slabs from a pile behind the potting shed!

These will be used shortly for shoring up the formation of the new track extension!



Active Member
Thank you Pete. I always enjoy your entertaining tales from down the line. Although I only have room for a small RTR 2mm layout around the edge of my work room (a lockdown sanity saver), and a 4mm shunting plank on a shelf, I have idly daydreamed about a small garden railway here. I don't think Mrs. O. would approve anyway but unless it was about the same gauge as yours, I fear the rats, squirrels, moles and badgers and the general jungliness would probably destroy the pway in short order! As it is the spiders and flies are quite disruptive to the 2mm layout...Just noticed the poor railway cat seems to have expired near the loco bothy :( More power to your elbow sir.