Brightwell S7 meet..


Western Thunderer
I would like to be there but it is just a bit too far to get to so I will have to be an apology.


Western Thunderer
Mick. You are on the lunch list, thanks to Tim.

JB. Can you let me have the name of your guest please - offline if you like - makes admin. a bit easier.

Seahaven. Thanks for that, I will be interested to talk with you as I am thinking of adding a 14mm line to my layout.



Western Thunderer
It would be nice if they bothered to tell us about them.

Sadly I can't make I have to go on holiday, the Bosses orders


It was in the Newsletter Diary – it would have been in the Newsletter in more detail only my spam filter ate the text. Sorry!

Richard K


Western Thunderer
I'll be there along with Stirling O, looking outward to my first bit of proper modelling time for ages :)



Western Thunderer
with a S7 Group membership form maybe?
Yeah, yeah. Stop nagging, you've convinced me already . . . ;)

I've asked Rob to ditch my 'visitor' badge and to give me a form to sign.
All the same, I plan to be asking folks some very pointed questions and listening the hind leg off a donkey all day.

I need a new project more than I need a new job . . . :eek:


Dog Star

Western Thunderer
A Grand Day Out yesterday... standing where there was once one road with two level crossings about 20 yards apart... has left me with a dose of the sneezing snuffles. In deference to the well-being of those who attend today I shall be somewhere else, hopefully with an never ending supply of hot tea, tiffin and paracetemol.

regards, Graham

richard carr

Western Thunderer
I have to say that even though I heading to very sunny climes, I am in fact extremely envious of you all, the Boss always seems to want to go on holiday at Easter !!!!!!


Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
Just got back in and sat down, and the first thing I think of is to update this thread: how sad am I?

A grand day out, slightly marred by a coach fire holding things up on the Surrey section of the M25. Still, we got there in the end. Had a good natter with lots of people, took some piccies which I will process later, and bought some useful bits and pieces.

Good to see Peter Hunt back out on the road again, and also great to see Dick Ganderton and his wife. Not seen them for ages.

I'll sort out some photos for tomorrow. Too tired to do more than collapse on the sofa now.

Oops! Forgot to add our thanks to Rob for organising things, and to April (Rob's better half) for the catering.


Western Thunderer
What a fantastic day yesterday was. An excellent turn out and lots of catching up with folk, looking forward to next year. Thanks to Rob and April for doing an excellent job :) :thumbs:

ATB Mick

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
Right, selected piccies. These, and those not shared here, will be winging their way to the S7 Newsletter Editor shortly.


A small selection of Alan Garner's GWR broad gauge models was on display. 4-2-2 "Dragon" attracted a lot of appreciative noises. I had the chance to discuss things with Rob, who drew the masters for one of the kits I am about to embark on for a commission. Watch this space, as they say.


At the other end of the steam age, this Masterpiece Models Britannia was bimbling about on Love Lane. Yes, RTR S7. It does exist. At a price. ;)


From broad, via standard, to narrow. Ian Norman showed this micro layout, S7 standards for 2ft gauge. How many of us wish we could get curves that tight for our own layouts?


The meeting was pretty busy most of the time. Lots of talking and sharing of information, with a little playing with trains, and plenty of tea and some spiffing homemade cakes. Trade support was from CPL, Carrs, Peter Hunt and Laurie Griffin. In the far room, track building, some proto-ScaleSeven and model engineering.


Love Lane was starting to show the promise of the original design. All the permanent way was in place, and some structures were appearing.


On the other side of the hall, Simon Thompson had yet another layout under construction, with an interesting variety of motive power on display, as well as some of his 3D printing work. All very impressive.


Simon's Sentinel I found appealing.


As I did this brute.


As befitting a Silver Jubilee for the Group, a small display of early S7 materials. It might not look it, but we've come a long way since the start. The Ken referred to is Ken Cottle, one of the founding members and the Group's honorary president.


Dick Ganderton, another of the founding members, seen here in the blue jumper, explaining to Rob Thompson, Group Secretary to the left, about how the three-day week four decades ago had led to the development of accurate "proto seven" wheels.


These are the wheels in question. A selection of rubber wheel moulds, from masters by Dick and the late Bernard Weller. Dental resin was poured in, with a steel tyre in place. The results you can see beyond, from coach wheels to loco drivers. The split-spoke wagon wheel was a difficult mould to use. I understand the Group sold the moulds and materials to make the resin to members, I think with the tyres ready to use. This was before the days when Slater's started producing wheelsets to the S7 profile, and a long time before the Group was able to commission ready-to-roll loco wheels. I'm sure Rob will correct me on details.

Finally, at the secretary's insistence...


Looking very green and shiny, the 57xx I've been working on. Even though it's OFS, it was allowed.

A very enjoyable day.


Flying Squad
Great report and pictures Heather, thank you very much.

That early Scaleseven is a lot like modern ScaleOne32!!



Western Thunderer
Well, I had a great day out yesterday - along with everyone else. And I think I'm now the world's newest S7 member. :thumbs:
I even had my wallet out, as a first foray into S7 I've bought what I think is the all the bits that I need to make a yard or two of plain S7 track. Ya gotta start somewhere, right?

Many thanks to both Rob and April for all the hard work of the day - it was worth it!
