Bristol O Gauge 22nd January


Western Thunderer
I too missed the fun - I had completely forgotten that I had tickets to the football today!! It sounds like it was excellent - did anyone see whether Tony Reynalds was there and what he was demonstrating? Dare I ask whether anyone has any photos of his stand??

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
I know Steph will be there in his slippers...
You forgot the hat, smoking jacket and pipe...

Peter and I went today, there before 10.00 and still there after 16.00 - guess that we had a good time. We looked for the slippers, smoking jacket and pipe to no avail although we did make the acquaintance of a fetching bushwackers hat. An interesting conversation was had with the occupant of the hat as to the options for motorising the various actions of a Ransome & Rapier 36T crane - sufficiently wide ranging as to offer the chance that at least one option might be viable. A subsequent conversation with ABC Gears proved productive and I shall put a post on the R&R topic.

Very pleased to meet the Guv'nor who seems to have developed a liking for contemplating the finer points of brickwork, much better than my approach to pointing with a bucket handle.

We met so many other WTers today and the experience has re-inforced our view that WT is just like having your own club at home.... and one where there is much support and little argument (honest, GREEN is the colour).

best wishes, Graham

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Just to complete the tale of the day - must have been sleepy when I wrote the previous post - I was surprised and disappointed to come away without any purchase!

I wanted some 2mm square files for use in track making. Squires said that I was at the wrong show - all the miniature files had gone to a different show on the same day. So I shall have to order by dog-and-bone.

I wanted some paints for Peter's Cl37/4. Martin had provided some Vallejo colours/references and I thought that we were going to be lucky as one stand had Vallejo paints on display... oh no, the ones which we wanted were in the model colour range and the trader had brought the military paint range (to a railway show?). Martin had provided also some references for Railfreight grey - easy thought I, try Roxey Mouldings! Yes said Dave, we have BR diesel colours, for green diesels and for blue diesels.... nothing for later liveries!!!!!!!!!!!

Peter had more luck - after an interesting converation with Peter Clark he bought a Cl 158. Now this kit requires 2'8" disc wheels with 3/16" axles for the power bogie.... current price is around £12.50 per axle from Slaters and the kit needs eight axles (four bogies). Even with my abacus that makes £100.00 just for the wheels. Ho,humm, so we bought two axle sets with 3/16" axles for £25 and three packs of 2'8" disc wheels for coaches/wagons at around £28 for the remaining three bogies. OK, we shall have to provide replacement bearings for the non-powered bogies.... I cannot see twelve bearings costing £50.


Western Thunderer
Nice to place faces to names of western thunders. Had a very enjoyable day but kept on smelling burning wood at certain times of the day ( you know what I mean guv). Tony Reynolds demonstration table was very good but the working inside crank and motion on the castle on the clinic table was mind blowing ( might try it on one of the 4 mm models of this class I have got to build). I will certainly be at next years show.


Dan Randall

Western Thunderer
An excellent way to spend a day in my opinion, so a big thank you to the organisers!

Great to meet up with so many Thunderers, in particular, Simon, who bought his 1/32" DMU cab along with him. I thought this was outstanding and I look forward to further progress (soon please!).

Cynric was throwing samples of laser cut brickwork around like confetti and I can't wait to have some of my own designs lasered in due course.

Saw Pugsley's Class 37 in the flesh too - it made me want to get my Western finished more than ever. I'm really hoping to get stuck in again later this year!

Just finished looking at the two books I picked up and realised it's now bedtime. I don't think I'll sleep too well though, as I'm seriously inspired at the moment!




Western Thunderer
(honest, GREEN is the colour)

Boo, heretic, geddof! Just you wait til the Ploffmeister see's that! :eek: It was bad enough being heckled by some Old Buffer at the Lincoln show today for the dominance of gods own colour blue on Johns Lincoln central layout :p


Western Thunderer
Blue is definately the colour:D. But i would love to see a thread on the cl158. :thumbs: The price of wheels these days is shocking :headbang:. Glad you all had a great day at the show, just a shame it is a bit too far for me.:(



Western Thunderer
oh yes along with betamax, but we know where both went.

In fact Betamax developed into the Sony professional BETA and BETA SP analogue standards which were the broadcast industry standards for many years. I actually was still using a BVW75 BETA SP recorder just over two years ago just before I retired. But a digital BETA version was developed which took over from the analogue standards and that might still be in use (haven't been around for two years so don't know. :))


Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
Just to complete the tale of the day - must have been sleepy when I wrote the previous post - I was surprised and disappointed to come away without any purchase!

Eh? I would have thought you'd have picked up the Townroe crane book that has just been released - or was that Peter's department?

It was a really good day for me too - I went with Yorkshire Dave and my better half and managed to get hold of a few of the bits and pieces I was after and order the others (Peter Clarke EMU motor bogies for building a trio of SR 'Gondola Vans' being a notable success). It was great to see those I'd met before and I was very pleased to meet Graham/Dog Star Peter/Spike and Martin/Pugsley for the first time.

Roll on Kettering!


Will you be able to make Kettering? We can have our own blue thunder :)
Really....??? The mind boggles...! :eek:

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Eh? I would have thought you'd have picked up the Townroe crane book that has just been released - or was that Peter's department?

We did look at the book... and decided that the content relative to the GWR R&R 36T examples did not warrant the price... and we had just left ABC after discussing a special-to-type motor bogie for the crane.

It was great to see those I'd met before and I was very pleased to meet Graham/Dog Star Peter/Spike and Martin/Pugsley for the first time.

Well I never said anything about Peter using the login of Spike... although that is correct - which just goes to prove that some people have the time to read all of WT.

regards, Graham

Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
Enjoyable day, likewise it was good to put faces to names and vice versa? I only picked up the non-driving trailer of the latest Roxey LBSC push/pull unit in order to complete the set.

Just need to find some time to build them - perhaps a trip to outer space where time slows down!