There's quite an array of different things in my 'to complete' list and I'm working through them as I drag them out of storage.
Among them is a batch of three GCR D8 5-plank wagons, originally produced by S&T, but now with David Howes of Quainton Road Models. David has improved the underpinnings and added extra details by producing an etched sheet of various parts.
The D8 wagons were built between 1896 and 1900 with various differences; some had a sheet bar, and a few were piped for the vacuum brake. Over time the type of brakes employed were upgraded, and the kit caters for the three main types, viz:
- 1S: One side brakes, levers both sides at the same end.
- 1D: One side brakes, levers on opposite sides at right hand end.
- 2D: Brake both sides, levers on opposite sides at right hand end.
The 'Gresham Patent Brake' which was fitted to the 1900 batch is not included.
The three kits will have brakes representing the three main types above, and the wagon with 2D brakes will also be piped.
The kits come in a large card box (photos from my phone, so apols for poor quality)
And inside are the nicely moulded and cast (by CMA) resin body, one large etched sheet with all the necessaries, a second smaller sheet which comprises of updated etched parts which confirms that David has a rolling program of improvements (it'd be nice other kit producers did the same!), and a third even smaller sheet with extra solebar number plates in case you decide on a fleet of the things.
Also included are whitemetal castings for the axleguard/axlebox/springs, sprung w/m buffers with steel heads, w/m coupling hooks, steel links, inside bearings for the compensated axle, 3D printed vac pipes, and various lengths of wire.
And eleven pages of instructions of text, drawings and photos!
So here's a photo montage of the build so far:
More next time.