7mm Dalliance - Railwaymaniac's Workbench


Western Thunderer
Loving this thread Ian. :D

I have a BY to do. Was thinking of putting it up for sale on here, then if not takers, onto eBay. But as i was going through some RTC pictures, research, i found that i need to keep it for 975311 Generater van (Thread to follow).

What are the dimensions of your cradle please ?.

Steve :thumbs:


Western Thunderer
Loving this thread Ian. :D

I have a BY to do. Was thinking of putting it up for sale on here, then if not takers, onto eBay. But as i was going through some RTC pictures, research, i found that i need to keep it for 975311 Generater van (Thread to follow).

What are the dimensions of your cradle please ?.

Steve :thumbs:

975311 Generator Van RTC.jpg


Western Thunderer
Thanks Steve;

The kit is going together quite tidily, and it's nice to know that I'm not shouting into a vacuum here . . . :)

And isn't that generator van going to be an interesting conversion! - sourcing a grill just exactly the right size would give me nightmares, I think, unless you have access to an etching source?
I'm guessing that the paint scheme is BLUE and lined red sides, with yellow ends?
A train of like-painted vehicles would be very striking, I think, but one on it's own would look a bit gaudy unless toned down by weathering??

As for the sizes on the cradle, give me a minute or two on that one, I think I'm going to have to use 'MS-Paint' or something to draw it up, with a few words of appology expalanation to go with it.



Western Thunderer
Thanks Steve;

The kit is going together quite tidily, and it's nice to know that I'm not shouting into a vacuum here . . . :)

And isn't that generator van going to be an interesting conversion! - sourcing a grill just exactly the right size would give me nightmares, I think, unless you have access to an etching source?
I'm guessing that the paint scheme is BLUE and lined red sides, with yellow ends?
A train of like-painted vehicles would be very striking, I think, but one on it's own would look a bit gaudy unless toned down by weathering??

As for the sizes on the cradle, give me a minute or two on that one, I think I'm going to have to use 'MS-Paint' or something to draw it up, with a few words of appology expalanation to go with it.


Standard RTC colours. It wont be on its own. I plan to have a few RTC vehicles. I have purchased the PDH Drawings for RTC.

Ive got a few big big coaches, of which this vehicle will be converted from a couple of them. :)

But i do need some info of the interior for this vehicle.

977528 Test Service Vehicle @ Butterley.jpg

Steve :thumbs:


Western Thunderer
Yay! - That's great! Info on the interiors can be difficult to come by . . .

did someone on here spot your request info? Or did you have a good 'google' session?


Western Thunderer
Yay! - That's great! Info on the interiors can be difficult to come by . . .

did someone on here spot your request info? Or did you have a good 'google' session?

Spoke to Rob (Lancer1027) earlier, by chance, he was at Butterley & also about 20 yards from the vehicle in question :p

Steve :thumbs:


Western Thunderer
Well, it's been a while, and I've been having the occasional prod at this thing. And today I finally got my mojo back (a bit).

On it's feet at last, with all the underframe detail done. Still got lots to do on here - footboards, axleboxes and springs, handrails, pipework, transfers, painting, weathering, insides . . . .

And finally for now, someone was asking about my home-made cradle.
The story here is that I went to Pay&Queue and bought three bits of best kiln-dried timber, the straightest that I could find, of the sort of size that looked right. The base (the thicker bit) is about 90mm wide by 15mm thick, the hinged side is about 40mm by 10mm and the fixed side is as near as I could get to (40+15+ALittleBit) by 10mm thick. Screws and hinges are to your taste, and I bought some 'open cell' foam (10mm thick) off the Bay to line it with. Finally I bought some cheap 'hook and loop tape' from the local el-cheapo art shop - the real Velcro is plus expensive!

I marked out on the taller of the two sides where I wanted the screws to be, and then drilled it for clearance - this becomes the fixed side.

Here is the fixed side screwed to the base. As can be seen, it hangs down below the base, I have a friend with the means of cutting this down (up?) to the right size. The to-be-hinged side is placed on there to show how it will go.

And here is one I made earlier, the fixed side (on the left in the picture) has been made flat to the bottom and the hinged side has been lowered for the view.Finaly comes the the gluing the foam in place and adding the HookAndLoop tape.
