Ok Pat and his cat delivered the goods, have to say the coach wheels have the vote, strangely both wheel centers are pretty much the same pattern, the coach wheel is plastic all through with a 8mm boss, the driver is plastic with a brass insert in a 10mm boss.
So, more thinking out the box,
Option 1, new 6mm shaft with 6mm thread on the end, drill coach wheel to appropriate size and thread 6mm, screw on wheel to correct B2B, if required add slim lock nut to rear of wheel to secure (if removal required at a later date) or secure with Loctite or alternative stong but not permanent glue, secure gear wheel to shaft first though!.
Option 2, use wheel existing 3/16" shaft, procure alternative roller bearings for gearbox, current ones are 10mm OD, 6mm bore 3mm thick (thickness can be a little wider if required), find some way to fill 6mm gear wheel center and bore to 3/16" or sleeve shaft for that section in gear wheel.
Option 3, turn existing Aristocrafts tapered axle end to parallel 5mm dia, bore wheels to 5mm and slide fit and use existing retention thread and screw to retain.
Of all the options 3 has the most opportunities for Captain c##k up to make an appearance, securing the Aristo half shafts in a lathe is problematical, there is very little shaft behind the fixing flange to grip on and you'd need a chuck with very good fitting jaws to grip. Given the variability of the fixing flange, shaft lengths and thinness of wall once turned down its going to be difficult to ensure constant B2B on all the axles. Option 3 also requires a lathe...which I do not have.....yet (more on that at a later date) and being an impatient so and so kind of eliminates this option.
Option 2 has promise if alternative bearings can be found (tonight's web trawl), basically 3/16" bore with 10mm OD, the only stickler is sleeving the shaft or filling the gear wheel and boring to 3/16", again a lathe maybe required. We do have a lathe at work, but as you may imagine, given the type of work it has to cope with in the container industry, isn't good for small parts

, but would cope with gripping the wheels, hence option 1.
Option 1 seems favourite, drilling the wheels centered on a lathe should be easy enough, or even drilling on a pillar drill may suffice, threading is easy enough and threading 6mm rod even easier. Our stores and materials dept is quite extensive, which reminds me, I have some holes and threads to tap on some stainless steel rod (exposure to salt air you see

) crane 22 tomorrow, 6mm I think?, how fortunate LOL.
Time for tea and a think.