Well a busy day today but not all as planned....! But some extras I hadn't accounted before, as usual kicked off at 'Rachels with 150 detail shots of a pair of ES40DC, CW44AC, seems not all locos within a class are the same, some major detail differences so it's all added to the data base.
Whilst doing that the first bonus arrived, these pair were turning on the wye, they had come in from the left and went out to the right, the driver never leaves his cab and will pick the cab that will be the lead cab when the train departs, no matter which way round it is now or if it's going to depart in 10hrs, the brakeman/men will either ride on the front as below or in the cab if it's raining or really sunny when the units are going in reverse.
A short while later the power for R170 comes around the balloon track, I've not bothered with the usual shots outside 'Rachels'.
At this point I made a quick dash south three miles to get the two lunchtime Amtraks, hoping to pick the northbound up first...as is usual, as time went by it was clear the northbound had probably gone by as the route still wasn't clear (signals by road bridge), then I heard the horns and it was clear it was the southbound 'Silver Meteor' and I was well out of position and this was the best I could manage....
I've since found some other good spots to grab this in Taft so hopefully more luck next time but I still want my planned shots here. Problem is to set up here in time means you miss all the action with the R170 and Autorack shunting.....which were not present at this time?.....more anon. Anyway all this messing around made me miss R170 departure north as it went as soon as the Amtrak had passed and not 2.5hrs later as it did yesterday

So back to town and because there were no stabled Autoracks the local gas station parking lot had a clear view of the south end of Taft yard and bingo picked up this trio doing a bit of fly shunting.
At the head end is a GP40-2, then a GP38-2 and luck of all lucks a B30-7, only the lead unit was running....seems the norm around here to only have just enough power to do what you need, even if there's spade fulls of it available
Anyway, after a bit more back and forth and exploring I returned to the gas station lot and lo and behold a genuine roots blown GP38-2 (as opposed to many derated GP40-2s kicking around now) in full song doing a bit of shunting....brilliant, my view was temporarily blocked as the northbound 'Silver Meteor' blasted through, I hadn't missed it, it was 2.5hrs late!
He'd made up a short consist and headed north, now I'd been tipped there was a local turn that did Lancaster Road sidings, so once it was clear he was going north and not setting back south of town like the previous UP local we've seen, I barreled north and picked him up here.
I did watch the shunting at Lancaster Rd, but the location isn't the easiest to photo, so I'll not waste bandwidth here with the shots, they're not that good, what I call photo record good, not public good. I did get some wagon details and a track machine but little else really, though the location is good for southbound trains and fair to good for northbound too, so another possible location for photos in the note pad. Anyway after watching that for a while and once he'd sorted his train and sat on the main for 20mins doing noting, I got bored and headed for home....back past the gas station and bloody hell another train had arrived!!, a pair of what looked like SD40-2s, again only the lead unit running and it didn't sound like an SD40-2 at all, and the rear unit looked really odd, but it was a snap shot through trees and parked trucks so a quick about turn to a spot where I figured they might pass revealed the lead unit.
A SD60 no less (and I've just noticed the bloody lamp post sticking out of the cab....that'll have to go when I get home!), hence the different engine sound, but still no positive ID on the trailing unit which looks like it's got a GE cab on it? Shortly after he headed south and as he had just brought in the Autorack train....which I had no idea came from the south, but arrives as and when according to the MOW manager (whom I met again)....so I knew he was either going to switch it into the Autorack sidings or head light engine back south.....which explains the SD40-2 seen the other day and which disappeared without a trace, so a dash to Pine St produced this shot, last of the day as the light was going fast and storms were cracking off all around and it was beginning to rain....harder!
Lo and behold it's an SD40-3, now I have no idea what one of those are as yet and the cab looks a pig in my view, clearly some sort of home grown affair.