Well, as a break from working on the Larbert up building, the Princes St S&T hat has been dug out again after too many years hidden away. It started with the not-so-challenging stuff, an MSE etch which included various "fronts" for lineside cabinets.

Attention then turned to something more challenging, the gantry outside the station between Morrison St & Grove St bridges. I'm using the Alan Gibson components as the basis for the signals. To me, visually, they can't be bettered. However, the component parts can be incredibly fragile, and don't suffer heavy handedness, or having 3" squares fall onto then with impunity.
The Gibson gantry needs to be shortened. Easy enough until you realise the end section has a corner strengthening, so it becomes a cut & shut operation. Still relatively easy (!) until you notice the top and bottom horizontals of the span have etched holes for the tabs on the upright, which no longer totally match after it's been cut up....... The answer is more cut&shut of the upper and lower horizontals trying to ensure all the cuts are staggered to maximise strength when soldered back together.
The original joined etches at the top, the modified, cut &shut version at the bottom.
Eventually I ended up with a basic span.
One side of the span is affixed to the retaining wall, the other is mounted on a leg. This is where things started to go wrong, but I didn't know yet......
The leg assembly was shortened from the three "panel" etch to a Two "panel". Allowing for the concrete "mounting plinth" this would ensure a minimum 16'6" clearance under the gantry smoke hoods and the running lines. On the workbench, the two parts looked like this. No sign of issues.......
The eagle eyed will have noticed in the reference photo that there is a cut out for the leg to go to running line level, just behind the lineside cabinet. I didn't!
When the two parts (leg and span) were tested on the layout.....

Sorry about the dustpan and brush....Don't know how I did't notice them when taking the photos. I blame the Christmas Mouse......
OK. The leg isn't perfectly aligned to the span, and the"plinth" can be tweaked further from the rail, but the plinth is stll overpowering and would possibly benefit from being shorter. Fortunately, there one on each of the four etches for the gantry, so I can make another two mistakes! The "plinth" will also be recessed approximately 1/8" into the foam trackbed which should also reduce the visual impact.
Finally, Princes St had at least five of these cabinets in the 50-60s. They may date from the resignalling in LMS days. They may be earlier. Jim Summers, author of the Caledonian Railway signalling book hasn't seen them before. Does anyone know what they are, or their dimensions, rather than guesstimates from the ladder rung spacing? Identified locations at Princes St are the north end of the station gantry (2x), one either end of slip for platforms 1&2, and adjacent to starters for platforms 5&6( per photo). There may be more! Thanks