Hello Colin,
I've just had a good re-read of this whole thread and I have to say, it's marvellous.
It makes me wish that I had started a cameo of my own but I'm great at starting things, bad at finishing so it's of no consequence that I'm waaay too late!
Good luck with your projects and if you ever do come up north, I'll endeavour to make a visit.
Hi John.
Thank you for the wonderful coments. I think, with a small layout, you see it progress quicker. It encourages you to keep going, as the layout progresses, you see it come together. I tried to keep it relatively simple, ideas and methods that I know will work. To be honest, there is nothing here that has not been done before but every modeller will give it their own personal touch. Give Four people the same track plan and they will all come out looking different.
At exhibitions I like to encourage people just to have a go, i seem to spend an awful lot of the time chatting to people rather than running trains, more so than with other layouts that i have built, guessing because the layout is operated from the front, people seem to really like this. If they go home with a wagon kit then I feel I have succeeded. I am always happy to share ideas or how something was built, what products I use etc, I for one get a lot of enjoyment from this, I'm not one to hide behind a layout pushing buttons allday. I think I have said this before, but I think it should be Model Railway law that a selected operator should be positioned at the front of every layout to answer question.
Contrary to popular procedure, there is no information on the front of Exton Quay, hopefully it encourages people to talk and I am amazed at the amount of people that will stand, look, study and work it all out for themselves, then come to me and say, Devon, 1930s, yes, your right, that then gets the conversation going.
John, it's never to late. Find an era and area that you are interested in, I read through books not necessarily railway related of a chosen area, to build up some sort of feel for the chosen project.
Exton Quay has recieved nothing but amazing coments, and has become somewhat overwhelming.
You never know John, one day I may bring it up North. We will be at Bridport (Dorset) on July 27th this year and the diary is somewhat full for next year.
Thanks to all.