Flat Bottom 1:48 track


Western Thunderer
News on Right-O'-Way coming soon. Everything listed in the 2015 catalog should be available at that time.

Thanks for letting us know, and welcome to Western Thunder. I have noticed your name as the pattern maker for some very nice wheel centres on the Protocraft website so it sounds promising.
Here's the news!

Announcement Regarding Right-O-‘Way

Over the last seven months, there has been a lot of speculation about Right-O’-Way (ROW). This would include parts availability, its continuation and ownership, etc. The truth is, Lou Cross left ROW to me. The lawyer for Lou’s estate has not allowed me to talk about any of this or do anything with the line. It’s been extremely frustrating to just sit here silently and not be allowed to share all of this. To pass the time I’ve spent almost every day helping to liquidate Lou’s collection so his wishes can be honored. His collection is vast and there’s still a lot to do. I consider Lou’s gift to me to be one of the greatest honors of my life and I will do everything in my power to do everything as he would.

My plan is to continue ROW using Lou’s business practices. This would include taking orders over the phone or via US Mail. Lou didn’t have a computer or, really, any form of communication other than his landline and the US Mail. He made it work but, obviously, the line needs to be enhanced with some upgrades. I tell people I want to bring ROW into the 20th century…..we’ll deal with the 21st century later. As a side note, some upgrades will also be some of the parts. They are fine but I think we can make some a little better. To be completely upfront, upgrading the parts won’t happen right away.

Because the lawyer discouraged me from doing anything, we’re really behind where we should be. To that end, we’re building a website and that’s a step in the right direction. When the website is up, the url will be West Pro Hosting, Domain Registration, and Website Development All of the ROW inventory will be shown and can be ordered from the website. Photos of all the parts are being developed by a really good photographer (happens to be an O Scaler too). I will accept PayPal or personal checks. I will probably test the waters and list some parts on ebay, just to get the word out.

I do have pdf copies of Lou’s last catalog (2015) and I’ll be happy to email copies to anyone asking. I have no intention of making any changes in pricing. Because the website isn’t ready yet, anyone needing to get in touch with me can email me at criswell@pacbell.net, call me at (559) 297-0505 or use Lou’s old number which is (559) 665-1001 (right now it’s forwarded to my cell phone). My snail mail address is,


Attn: Jay Criswell

2286 Hampton Way

Clovis, CA 93611-6047


Jordan or Plymouth Mad

Mid-Western Thunderer
I had a lot of help from Norm of Protocraft to get R-o-W parts a couple of years ago; it wasn't ordering from abroad that was a problem really; more the actual paying for it - on-line methods have made that bit so much easier!! ;)

Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
I haven't ordered any switch parts yet but when they become available I'll happily test the water. As Jordan has stated it's usually the payment method which creates the headache :confused:.
Agreed! Lou didn't have a computer or, really, any internet presence. We talked about it but he just didn't think he was capable of making the transition. Truthfully, I think he felt it was too impersonal. He enjoyed visiting with all his friends (customers were friends to him).

Having said that, PayPal just makes it so much easier.

Please wish me luck but keep in mind, there's a sharp learning curve and Lou can never, truly, be replaced.


Jordan or Plymouth Mad

Mid-Western Thunderer
When I found out how old Lou was, I wasn't surprised he was reluctant to get his business online. It had been doing just fine without it for years!!
Really the main advantage for Internet/Paypal etc is for us awkward types outside - waaaay outside - the Lower 48.... :)


Western Thunderer
Jay has sent me images of the current price list which I would be pleased to email on to all interested. I do have some RoW parts in my dealer-retiring box which I'll take along to the Seaboard Southern Exhibition in Crawley in September:
Annual Exhibition
and the Winchester O-Scale Meet in October:
Winchester Continental O Gauge Meet
More good news, he will be taking PayPal and the website, not ready yet, but domain already registered at:
West Pro Hosting, Domain Registration, and Website Development
RoW was never a 'dealer line' for me, but I couldn't resist bringing selections from Lou back as suitcase lining. When I can get the layout out of storage I must take some piccies. Like many things in lif... modelling, once you upgrade a 'good-enough' to 'aaahhh', you can't go back....
Hi Jason,

Thanks for sharing. I received a large batch of photos from the photographer last night. The developer is going through them right now. My goal is to have at least one photo of each part on the new website. I envision clicking on what you want, deciding how many, sending them to a shopping cart, etc. I guess you could say, a typical internet site.

Hopefully within a few weeks.

Thanks again to everyone for the support.

FWIW, I bought out all the Protocraft rail, track parts, tools, gauge, molds, master, etc. and I'm adding them to the website. Right now many parts don't show as being able to be purchased via PayPal. That's actually not correct. If someone orders something I create an invoice and give them the option of using PayPal. For international transactions it seems like the best way to go.

I will be adding another line this summer also.
