Free 3D Models for download from the Great Northern Railway Society

Mike Trice

Western Thunderer
The Great Northern Railway Society (GNRS) have added a new resource to their web site, accessible to members and non-members alike. This section contains 3D models that can be downloaded and printed and/or modified as the downloader desires: 3D Print Files - The Great Northern Railway Society

Some of the files are ones for models I formerly had available through Shapeways, some are new. You may be asking "why has he done this"?

With Shapeways folding it was a question of what do I do now? I could start printing them myself and selling them either direct or through ebay but I have been there, done that, bought the teeshirt. I could start selling the files through sites such as Cults3D but suspect people would expect some form of support from me which I do not have the time, nor inclination to provide. I could do nothing and just let them cease to be.

I am not getting any younger, and one day I will not be around to continue. My family would not have a clue that I had any models and even lesser clue what to do with them so the likelihood is they would disappear with me. A lot of time, effort and, in the case of Shapeways, cost had been involved in making them available so it seemed a shame that this would effectively be wasted on my demise (I should add I am not planning on going for the foreseeable future but who knows).

In the end I decided I would upload them for others to be able to download, modify, print and very possibly encourage others to follow suit. They are issued under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4 licence which even permits them to be used commercially, the only restriction is that they mention they are based on my files. Some were done quite early in my 3D modelling experience and unfortunately show however this should not detract from the print quality achievable.

The GNRS very kindly offered to host the models and they are available to members and non-members alike.

I do have more models to upload but it has proved a time consuming business so please bear with me as I am fitting this around other jobs.

Hopefully they will prove useful so for those with 3D printers, or access to one, enjoy. If you feel like posting the odd photo you will make an old man very happy.

Rob R

Western Thunderer
Thank you very much Mike.
Looking forward to upscaling these to S.

Edit:- Having downloaded these excellent files I now realize that I need a bigger printer (and probably an even bigger bin to go with it).
Once again - thank you Mike.
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Active Member
A very generous bequest, even though we haven’t got rid of you yet! I’m not a GNR modeller but thank you for doing this and hope others see fit to do this, for all railway modelling subjects.

Rob R

Western Thunderer
Could you please inform the GNRS that the download link for the Dia 155 Composite links to the file for the Dia 245 Third.



Western Thunderer
Dear Mike,

Thank you very much for these files. I know that the wagon axle box and spring files have already been printed off in S scale to go with Rob R's wagon body print - and what a good set they make together.

I am now getting on with my rake of 6-wheel coaches (scratchbuilt) but the files for the axleboxes for these will be a boon. Many years ago I measured the details of the carriage at Tanfield which is now at Quainton Road, but now I won't have to do any pattern making.

Thanks again,


Mike Trice

Western Thunderer
When I decided to upload these models and make them generally available I did not envisage doing any extra work on them, indeed they had all printed successfully at Shapeways and on my own resin printers

There were however a few errors in the 6 wheel carriages that could cause issues in certain slicers or when imported into other 3D Modelling packages. Pride would not let me leave them in that state so I have bitten the bullet and reworked the offending elements.

Models affected are:

GNR Dia 84 First 6 Wheel Coach

GNR Dia 115 Composite 6 Wheel Coach

GNR Dia 245 Third 6 Wheel Coach

GNR Dia 303 Full Brake 6 Wheel Coach

Updated versions (v2) are now available for download so if you have downloaded any of these models prior to 26th September 2024 can I suggest you re-download to get the latest versions.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused.


New Member
Thanks so much for sharing these Mike!

I'm very interested to try adapting some of these for 2mm scale. I think that would at the least involve 'assembling' the various sides and ends etc to print as complete bodies (with thickening of sides or added bracing). I don't suppose you could share an STL of a fully 'assembled' wagon and coach, as per your renders above? Or even share the original designs in their source format? Working with STLs can be a bit fiddly compared to working with parametric bodies.

Mike Trice

Western Thunderer
The renders were created by importing the stls into Blender to creat a complete model. It did not take long so should be easy enough to recreate using your chosen software.