FYNR Tool Van - Gauge 1

Steve Cook

Flying Squad
Thanks for the kind comments chaps  :-[

Johnsons Klear applied to all the transfer locations on one side, waiting for it to dry so I can do the other side....I just want to get on with making it all a bit manky  ;D


Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
That looks lovely Steve, and big.  :thumbs: :thumbs:

It's only just sinking in to me just how much bigger 7mm to 4mm :eek: ;D. Even though I have built a few items already it is only this week after winning the Connoiseur models Tube wagon and taking delivery of it that I realise how big it is. I have a couple of Roger Chivers 4mm plastic ones on the bench awaiting transfers and they look tiny compared to the drawing that comes with the kit.

I do like the look of the Rover Russet Brown I can see me making use of that at some point.
keep them coming.

Steve Cook

Flying Squad
Cheers Rob  :)

S'funny really, I'm finding Gauge 1 a bit small after playing around with Gauge 3! I would imagine, that to me, 7mm is on the verge of looking tiny  :)) On the other hand, your A3 will make the engineers tool van pale into insignificance size wise. Gauge 1 isn't that big if you are playing with short wheelbase stock, its only when you get something like a Pannier or a coach out that it really hits home.

I have a 3mm wagon kit to build for a laugh too, the thing I'm struggling with is the size, its smaller than a Gauge 3 wheel  :eek:


Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Steve Cook said:
I have a 3mm wagon kit to build for a laugh too, the thing I'm struggling with is the size, its smaller than a Gauge 3 wheel  :eek:


I can just imagine it  :eek: My good lady has an N gauge layout and that does look tiny although I do have running sessions on it :)) well it would be rude not to wouldn't it. ;D

Jordan or Plymouth Mad

Mid-Western Thunderer
Whereas I used to model in N scale some 20 years ago, I was at the Wolverhampton Exhibition yesterday, where there was a fairly big N scale layout "Waterstock". Aside from the fact it was UK outline, it did absolutely nothing for me - the stuff was just too small to make any impact. Even the Bachy Warship with lights & lit headcode just failed to impress.
I have thought that should I ever need to downsize from O, I might go back to N scale... no longer!! :scratch:

On the other hand I spent ages watching an O scale 8ft x 2ft Shunty-plank "Hope Works"; motive power was LNER Kettles - again not my 'thing' - but who cares when the layout as a whole can make such a good impression?? :thumbs:

Simon Dunkley

Jordan said:
On the other hand I spent ages watching an O scale 8ft x 2ft Shunty-plank "Hope Works"; motive power was LNER Kettles - again not my 'thing' - but who cares when the layout as a whole can make such a good impression?? :thumbs:
Hi Jordan,

Any pix?


OC Blue Brigade
Jordan said:
Whereas I used to model in N scale some 20 years ago, I was at the Wolverhampton Exhibition yesterday, where there was a fairly big N scale layout "Waterstock". Aside from the fact it was UK outline, it did absolutely nothing for me - the stuff was just too small to make any impact. Even the Bachy Warship with lights & lit headcode just failed to impress.
I have thought that should I ever need to downsize from O, I might go back to N scale... no longer!! :scratch:

On the other hand I spent ages watching an O scale 8ft x 2ft Shunty-plank "Hope Works"; motive power was LNER Kettles - again not my 'thing' - but who cares when the layout as a whole can make such a good impression?? :thumbs:

I Aplogise for not going me old fruit, I have a dirty great scar in me tummy at the mo and can't drive and can't sit still for long



Steve Cook said:
Cheers Rob  :)

S'funny really, I'm finding Gauge 1 a bit small after playing around with Gauge 3! I would imagine, that to me, 7mm is on the verge of looking tiny  :)) On the other hand, your A3 will make the engineers tool van pale into insignificance size wise. Gauge 1 isn't that big if you are playing with short wheelbase stock, its only when you get something like a Pannier or a coach out that it really hits home.

I have a 3mm wagon kit to build for a laugh too, the thing I'm struggling with is the size, its smaller than a Gauge 3 wheel  :eek:

Strange you should say that 7mm doesnt seem big to me anymore, 4mm is the equivalent of n gauge for me  :)) I keep casting lustful eyes at the 1/32 stuff for a dabble, but I suspect that it would be the start of a very slippery slope  ;)

Steve Cook

Flying Squad
28ten said:
Strange you should say that 7mm doesnt seem big to me anymore, 4mm is the equivalent of n gauge for me  :)) I keep casting lustful eyes at the 1/32 stuff for a dabble, but I suspect that it would be the start of a very slippery slope  ;)
Quite likely  ;D
[Gauge 1 fan mode]
To be honest, I'd recommend doing something in Gauge 1 just to see if you like it. It may turn out that you enjoy the size, but that it doesn't give you any more building satisfaction than 7mm and it is ultimately more compromised if an indoor layout is a potential goal. At least that way you will know, before heading so far down the 7mm route that you find you can't change your mind because of the amount of stuff you have. Be a shame to miss out on something because you didn't try it.
[/Gauge 1 fan mode]



I already have a lot of 7mm stuff! I looked at doing a scratchbuilt 14xx, but I couldn't find the castings I would need and I really dont want to start making patterns  8) But I still fancy Mk1 !

Steve Cook

Flying Squad
28ten said:
I already have a lot of 7mm stuff! I looked at doing a scratchbuilt 14xx, but I couldn't find the castings I would need and I really dont want to start making patterns  8) But I still fancy Mk1 !
Trevor cousins from Mercian is supplying me with a 1/32 14xx at the G1MRA AGM at the end of this month so he may have a set of castings that would do you...I'll let you know when I've got them  ;)

With you all the way on the Mk1  :thumbs:



OC Blue Brigade
As I have said before it's a beaut I would like a Mk1 as well but where would I run it too much money just to sit and look at it. Personally after about 7mm you are starting to get into model engineering



iploffy said:
As I have said before it's a beaut I would like a Mk1 as well but where would I run it too much money just to sit and look at it. Personally after about 7mm you are starting to get into model engineering

I just look at mine anyway they never move I dont know why I fit motors  :)) :))
Imho 7mm is model engineering especially when you start fitting inside motion to steam engines.
Steve Cook said:
Trevor cousins from Mercian is supplying me with a 1/32 14xx at the G1MRA AGM at the end of this month so he may have a set of castings that would do you...I'll let you know when I've got them  ;)

With you all the way on the Mk1  :thumbs:

Oh no!!!

Graham Powell

HI, The FYNR van is a lovely model. Most impressive. I dabbled a little bit in G1 but for me it would have to be steam. I have several friends who do that including the late Ron Poulter who wrote the Project book. With over 40 engines, 30 coaches and 100+ wagons I just cannot persuade my dear wife that going up  to G1 would
be a good idea.
Graham Powell ;D :wave: :thumbs:


Graham Powell said:
HI, The FYNR van is a lovely model. Most impressive. I dabbled a little bit in G1 but for me it would have to be steam. I have several friends who do that including the late Ron Poulter who wrote the Project book. With over 40 engines, 30 coaches and 100+ wagons I just cannot persuade my dear wife that going up  to G1 would
be a good idea.
Graham Powell ;D :wave: :thumbs:
its also the commitment to 7mm, I have 25 years of bits and spares  :)) Imagine how long it would take to rebuild your collection in a larger scale  :eek:. having said that I would like a couple of display models

Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
28ten said:
its also the commitment to 7mm, I have 25 years of bits and spares  :)) Imagine how long it would take to rebuild your collection in a larger scale  :eek:. having said that I would like a couple of display models
Yes I would like to dabble as well, but I would probably end up wanting to change to G1 altogether  :drool:

Phill  :wave:

Graham Powell

Actually the electrically powered G1 does nothing for me at all. It would have to be steam I'm and having partly built a G1 City of Truro , that is a very different ball game.rgds
Graham Powell :D :wave: :thumbs: