Well, that was a fun day! Quite a few track glitches, but the fleet and guest loco's stood up to the test pretty well with no loco failures and all safely returned to their respective owners. The class 22 is a superb model built by Richard Dockerell from a Beattie kit, and has been modified and enhanced - you should see some of his coaches too.... amazing. Sadly not DCC, so we had a few periods of static display on the viaduct
On the purchasing front I came home with 8 ABC motors/gearboxes for the 52's, and a rake of the Presflo's from Malcolm Butterworth
Great to see all the WT's out and about, and very grateful for the positive comments, guys. Nice pics too, P
Haven't had chance to sort any of the pics taken by the Missus, but might post a couple later if I get a chance.