GOG Summer Show, Halifax Sat 5th June .


Western Thunderer
Hi Phil,

yes, I'll be going with abunch of guys from Wirral, perhaps we could arrange a meeting place - say the test track around Noon?




Flying Squad
I'm going too, along with Dibateg. Big shopping list of nothings - probably cost a fortune :D


Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
A meet up sounds like a good idea :D , I shouldn't be spending too much as I have a couple of loco's in the pipeline ;)

Phill :wave:


Western Thunderer
Not for me this year :cry: Maybe next year ;) But i hope everyone who goes has a great time, and come back with a "big white box" :lol:


Modelling on a £1200 table.
Hi Phill I will be going for def although we got WSR mixed traffic gala week after so cant see me having lots of money to spend.. Maybe we could go in the Allegro this year as our public transport experience wasnt so good last year with Halifax station being out of action I remember it chucking it down and the guy from Northern Trains trying to sort everyone onto rail replacement coaches with the soggy illegible time sheet all the print had run and nobody had a clue what was going on.. :headbang: :thumbs: Great fun..

Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
rosspeacock said:
Hi Phill I will be going for def although we got WSR mixed traffic gala week after so cant see me having lots of money to spend.. Maybe we could go in the Allegro this year as our public transport experience wasnt so good last year with Halifax station being out of action I remember it chucking it down and the guy from Northern Trains trying to sort everyone onto rail replacement coaches with the soggy illegible time sheet all the print had run and nobody had a clue what was going on.. :headbang: :thumbs: Great fun..
Your car, my car, train, bus....so long as we get there I don't mind :thumbs:

Phill :wave:

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
I'll be going too - Although I live in Wakefield now, I used to live in Thornton just up the hill in Bradford.


Western Thunderer
I should be attending Halifax afterall, except as a trader for Perfect Miniatures rather than a punter. Peter injured himself the other day, so I'll be covering for him with Colin Dowling.

Hopefully see you there...


Pint of Adnams

Active Member
Dikitriki said:

Peter injured himself the other day


Well, if you must lift these extra wide wheel sets.....[/quote:3gs7mpjz]
That's rather 'coarse' - S7 wheels are rather slimmer than the average 32mm gauge ones (which is more than you can say for Peter (or me for that matter))...


Western Thunderer
Hi all,

unfortunately, I will not be able to make Halifax - my brother who lives in Kent, presently on holiday in Cornwall has decided to call in on us for a few days - on his way home - we live in the Wirral - so much for pratt- nav:vista: :vista: :vista:

have a good time and spend lots of money - hope to see you at Telford.




Western Thunderer
I won't be able to come down to the test track for noon unfortunately, as I'll be spending all day manning the Perfect Miniatures stand... Do come along and say hello though if you get a chance....!


I shall be in Sunny Devon :scratch: its a bit far for me anyway. Dont spend too much its only 12 weeks to Telford :D


Flying Squad

Dibateg and I will be there. It means a 7:00 departure and a long day, but it'll be fun. Happy to meet at 12:00 Phill, even if it's only the 3 of us!



Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
Dikitriki said:

Dibateg and I will be there. It means a 7:00 departure and a long day, but it'll be fun. Happy to meet at 12:00 Phill, even if it's only the 3 of us!


Right then Richard :D , 12:00 it is :thumbs:

Phill :wave:


Western Thunderer
28ten said:
I shall be in Sunny Devon :scratch: its a bit far for me anyway. Dont spend too much its only 12 weeks to Telford :D

12 WEEKS to Telford ??!! Aaaarghhhh ! :eek:

I was meaning to have the L1 finished by then...!!



Western Thunderer
All you guy's going to Halifax hope you all enjoy it. Dont forget , SPEND LOTS ,then sneak it into the cupboard, then tell the missus when she asks that you have had it for ages :lol: :thumbs: Is'nt it what they do with clothes/shoes etc.

:shit: :shit: Got to go the missus has just walked in :shit: :shit:

Bye :wave:

Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
Scale7JB said:
[quote=""28ten"":f6t1melz]I shall be in Sunny Devon :scratch: its a bit far for me anyway. Dont spend too much its only 12 weeks to Telford :D

12 WEEKS to Telford ??!! Aaaarghhhh ! :eek:

I was meaning to have the L1 finished by then...!!

That's OK JB, scale 7'ers aren't actually supposed to finish projects :laugh:

Phill :wave: