Grahame's N/2mm London Bridge train set

Grahame Hedges

Western Thunderer
I can report on a little progress with the first bits of track laid:


And a start on mapping out the next section - the high level through station and the west end station throat. In order to cut the plywood viaduct decking to size (and build the viaduct) I need to drawn up the track plan full size checking platforms, etc., and make a template. Paper has been laid on the baseboard to draw it up. Below shows the small progress to date.

The footbridge is roughly in place (although it needs to be further to the right) in the pic below to ensure platforms are positioned correctly and to ascertain the viaduct track bed width. The strips of balsa don't represent the platforms but lift the track bed level to the amount over the lower level terminus platforms level to check the footbridge slope (if you get my drift). The viaduct track bed level is where the grey stops on the SER 'flat iron' building. It's all starting to get rather complex, fiddly and critical, and consequently slow going.


Joe's Garage

Western Thunderer
Hi Graham, not sure you have said but what track are you using?
As you say the fun begins and soon trains will be running....

Grahame Hedges

Western Thunderer
It's Peco code 55. The points are electrofrog (live) but they do have rather large flange ways. Ideally I'd have liked to have used British Finescale code 40 but I couldn't face all the points that would need to be built.

Joe's Garage

Western Thunderer
I think your previous layouts showed how effective the Peco track can be if carefully laid and weathered. So I am looking forward to seeing this one. Yes I agree that this mammoth layout would take you some time to make the Finescale points or if RTR very expensive.

Grahame Hedges

Western Thunderer
With Peco code 55 track, because the base is so deep, it's important to ballast neatly to the top of the sleepers and for more than their full width to help disguise the depth.

A bit of wood mangling and hacking early this morning before the sun and temperature get too high - it's forecast for 27C here and that's too hot and sweaty for me to be working. However, some of the high level viaduct track bed is now cut but it needs filing to remove and smooth the wiggly edges. Here it is just resting (not fixed in any way) on some wobbly supports. But things are slowly progressing and taking shape:

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Grahame Hedges

Western Thunderer
Yes, thanks, I have seen that video, several times as it's very interesting. The striking thing is the lack of hi-vis and safety equipment used by the workers and the smoking of pipes in the offices.
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Western Thunderer
Progress is underway on a back-scene corner building. It's another tower block, that is designed as low relief (in two directions) to go in the corner and disguise the internal shed cladding quarter round baton. And also help disguise/soften the corner.

It is based on one of those at Tustin Estate (Peckham, Old Kent Road). There are three tower blocks on the estate that are 18 storeys tall which were slung up in the early 1960s and are now undergoing redevelopment. My version is 16 floors to provide some compression and prevent it being too dominating, plus, being at the back of the scene, it also a slightly smaller scale.

The tedious job of cutting window apertures and adding balconies is complete, the walls are glued in place, and it's had a coat of primer and a base coat. Next some tidying up, some paint effects (if I'm up to it), then adding windows plus any details.


And how it fits in the corner:


Grahame Hedges

Western Thunderer
Your scenery is so perfect!

Thanks for that, but, of course, it's not really perfect. I'm tackling the easier modelling first (the buildings and structures) and simplifying them to a large extent, as well as employing cheats and shortcuts.

Some of the more tricky stuff, like the viaduct trackbed, laying points and electrics, is mostly yet to be started. And then there's the terminus station train shed roof and the massive forecourt canopy with all those pyramid skylights. That fills me with dread.


Western Thunderer
Well we're opposites it seems. Track wiring is not at all a worry for me, but making buildings sure is.

Sure looks perfect to me!

Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
All looks good Grahame - although some of the buildings may be compromises it's the overall impression which counts along with the instant recognition of the location.


Western Thunderer
While I was in the shed to check the fit of the new tower block building (above) I took a couple of other snaps of the layout (despite there having been little progress) which are posted here (just for the hell of it). Firstly a jumble of roof types (towards the right/east end) with the new low relief tower block in the corner, and secondly the left/west end more commercial area.




Western Thunderer
Lovely work cardboard grand master ! The brutalist lines of the tower must have shocked as it arose but today`s efforts are not that much better, give me bricks and mortar anytime. As a result the houses of old appeal, but I guess quite rundown even in the period you are modelling.
The art of compression well executed- as you know how all looks right to the eye. No rush but lookforward to seeing trains rumble past.
Thanks for showing

Grahame Hedges

Western Thunderer
Lovely work cardboard grand master !

Thanks. But maybe cardboard monster would be more appropriate.

And there is a tiny bit of plastic in the latest tower block; the three square columns at the bottom and the raised floor lines (which are difficult to see and I've since painted a contrast colour along with the roof).

Still yet to fit the windows and tackle the weathering. But that'll have to wait as I'm off to work on another layout I'm involved with today.


Western Thunderer
It’s a monster alright Grahame, but it is working very well over there in the corner, it looms like tower blocks do and draws the eye across the layout in front. I’m enjoying Your layout emerging and indeed I'm following you in 2mm albeit on a smaller base but plenty of buildings.
