Grahame Hedges
Western Thunderer
It's interesting to see someone has taken the idea to produce 2mm model buses of prototypes not commercially available so to speak.
Having seen the photos and read your 'Titan Trials' I would feel the same way and probably not even touched the model given the amount of work to clean and correct minor inaccuracies.
Could the N scale Leyland Atlantean provide a starting point or is it the wrong shape?
There are two N/2mm RTP Atlanteans - a single door version from BT which is, I think, cast metal, and a two door version from Bachmann Scenecraft which is woefully underscale (even smaller than 1:160 for some reason). Consequently I've persevered with the N-Train 3D print despite it being very blocky and simplified with a rough finish. I've grafted the lower front from my aborted conversion of a HK Cars Workshop Fleetline to a Titan project on to the 3D print to get the necessary front end curvature:

And built up the roof with plasticard and filler to get the slight doming on it:

Currently I'm playing around with the wheels as the one supplied with the N-Train print, although printed in the finer FUD material, look a little big making the bus ride high. I've temporarily fitted the ones from the CW Fleetline (as that is now effectively destroyed) to get an idea of how they look:

Despite the photographs being cruel and close-up, I'm quite pleased with how far it's come from the boxy, featureless 3D printed model I started with. After all it is a small N/2mm model measuring just 2.5 inches long and 1.25 inches tall. It's now looking like a little toy of the actual prototype even if not fully accurate. Hopefully, the rest of the work, tidying up, painting and glazing will help make it look like a little model.