Hairy Bikers and Other Petrol Heads


Western Thunderer
Having 'used in anger,' the Setright machine [as an 'OPO' bus driver, I admit to being a tad nostalgic about it. Operable using one hand, the technique involving a flick of the thumb & fingers of [my] left hand.
I still have nightmares....

I first came across LJK Setright as a journalist in my teenage years...I had a 'subscription' to the US car mag, 'Road & Track'...which often had quite 'european' articles. [Subscriptions arrived when distant rellies demanded what a 13 year old wanted for Christmas? Early 1960's]

I enjoyed reading of his exploits....[the episode when he fitted a Porsche engine into a VW beetle especially, confounding the local police with it.]

As for mockery of the Reliant 3 wheeler?
Take a look at the past records of entries into the Motorcycling Club's three long distance classic reliability trials?
There is currently a seriously modified one in action.....The abilities of which would shame any Range Rover [and probably does, if my experience of Range Rovers is anything to go by?} {George Osborn, builder, if anyone know him? seriously good engineer...]

New Haven Neil

Active Member
Ah, NGK Sparkright - I used to read his column in 'Bike' too, and in the day thought him quite wonderful. Re-reading them now hints he had a vivid imagination of his own achievements? Was he actually real?

Edit: Yes, apparently! A Jewish friend who happens to be visiting Mrs H this evening filled me in on some of lesser known background - said friend is a scholar of the faith although not born into it, has embraced it. Fascinating ten minutes - isn't life weird sometimes.
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Western Thunderer
There was a company who sold plans enabling you to make a 2+2 kids Jeep from 12mm MDF, which you could then fit with Sinclair C5 motor(s). My brother wanted one for his 5 year old daughter (very early '90's). I built the body, passed it over, and he then outfitted it with a decent front axle, rear axle and brakes. It was brilliant little thing! His daughter is approaching 40 now, and still has it. She's also a Passed Fireman on the Bluebell!


Western Thunderer
that's 'cos you haven't tried one!

I had the pleasure of playing with an eFreeride when I visited the KTM factory (ha, when KTM was an Austrian Bike maker that wasn't 3 billion dollars in the red) some years back.


the host put it on "mild" mode and when I'd had a few minutes of that, and he worked out that I could ride a bike, he switched it to "bonkers" mode, saying "you can wheelie it now" to which I replied - "I'm wearing office clothes and shoes, and a borrowed helmet and gloves that have seen better days - perhaps not..." but I repeat WHAT A HOOT!!!!