Back in Blighty now. Drove past the Inchcape site, which is completely barricaded and guarded! At least JLR has supplied me with a courtesy car as they have no idea when mine can be repaired. The car hire company told me that 196 cars were written off, including 4 unregistered f-types that were completely submerged! Quite a row going on as the dealership is denying all liability and insisting that customers claim on their own insurance. I am sure that the insurance companies will claim against Inchcape. When the site planning permission was granted the flood risk assessment identified that there was a 1 in 100year risk of the site being submerged to a depth of 2m. Only the lawyers will make money from this.
I'm driving a Nissan Qashqai - hardly in the same price bracket as the F-Pace, but I can see why it is the best selling car now.