Tony Overton
Western Thunderer
Hello all
Having joined the other week I need now to introduce myself.
I am Tony from Nottingham. I am a Midland man and model in O gauge S7 with quite a rigid time frame, circa 1905. For some time now I have stuck to building kit and scratch built rolling stock – lurking in boxes are various loco kits which need tackling. During 2020 I realised it was about time I had a layout to run them on so with a plan sorted I’m now experimenting to see how best to build track, a first for me. As with everything that I build, and intend to build, I aim for high standards. My approach is do the research and try to get it right – not always successful, but I do try. Unfortunately this does tend to slow progress!
A long spell of gloom during the last lockdown saw my motivation completely evaporate. So noting how others had dealt with this problem I stepped sideways and bought a tank kit, a 1/35 Tamiya German Panzer Mark IV. I have an interest in military history, so a logical ‘tonic’. This now needs finishing off.
A trip to Mark in Somerset with friends and the S7 meeting the other weekend helped with my ‘recovery’ and thankfully my mind is back into model railways again.
I look forward to picking up tips, sharing ideas, and having interesting conversations.
Attached are a couple of recent builds - I still need to weather them but I've not got the confidence to do that just yet. Both have working brakes and sprung axle boxes.
Having joined the other week I need now to introduce myself.
I am Tony from Nottingham. I am a Midland man and model in O gauge S7 with quite a rigid time frame, circa 1905. For some time now I have stuck to building kit and scratch built rolling stock – lurking in boxes are various loco kits which need tackling. During 2020 I realised it was about time I had a layout to run them on so with a plan sorted I’m now experimenting to see how best to build track, a first for me. As with everything that I build, and intend to build, I aim for high standards. My approach is do the research and try to get it right – not always successful, but I do try. Unfortunately this does tend to slow progress!
A long spell of gloom during the last lockdown saw my motivation completely evaporate. So noting how others had dealt with this problem I stepped sideways and bought a tank kit, a 1/35 Tamiya German Panzer Mark IV. I have an interest in military history, so a logical ‘tonic’. This now needs finishing off.
A trip to Mark in Somerset with friends and the S7 meeting the other weekend helped with my ‘recovery’ and thankfully my mind is back into model railways again.
I look forward to picking up tips, sharing ideas, and having interesting conversations.
Attached are a couple of recent builds - I still need to weather them but I've not got the confidence to do that just yet. Both have working brakes and sprung axle boxes.