Hi All,


I have just joined having been reading the forum for a few months. I was recommended this one after speaking to some at a model railway show earlier in the year.
Fast approaching retirement and needing a hobby, model railways seems a good one, I last had a train set in the 60s-70s, sadly long gone.
Enjoying reading about some stunning modelling and gathering ideas for my own little project one day.
Forgive me if my questions are basic, but have a lot to learn.


Allen M

Western Thunderer
Forgive me if my questions are basic, but have a lot to learn.
Hello Frank
Welcome to the forum.
What is a basic question? It depends on you skills. There are some who build fantastic scenic but only know a soldering iron has a hot & cold ends but could't use it. Others it's the opposite if you get my meaning. I have been messing with toy trains onto model railways for going on 75 years in N, 00, 0 & 16mm ng. However my knowledge of DCC controls is less than my knowledge of piloting a space shuttle.

So what I am saying is ask away and you will get help.
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