There's nothing special here, or anything you don't already know about building brass kits, but I'm posting this simply to prove that I actually build the stuff I post in the gallery and that I don't have someone build it all for me (I wish I could afford to!) or have the magic loco kit fairies visit, so here is my current work-in-progess...
It's an Agenoria Models kit of what the blurb describes as an Italia class Hudswell Clarke, although I can find no loco so named in the works list contained in Ron Redman's book
The Railway Foundry Leeds 1839-1969.
The kit is meant to build into the WC&P's
Walton Park and is provided with name plates, but I'm not modelling the WC&P so my loco will be an anonymous version and, possibly, with a few alterations to suit other locos of the type that I have seen in photos in various books.
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Rivets dimpled out, buffer beams soldered on, overlays for springs soldered on and springs bent up.
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Cab assembled. I'm using resistance soldering for the first time and I'm impressed with how little cleaning up is neccessary. This picture is as put together - no cleaning has been done at all in this pic.
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Screws to fix frames to bodywork soldered in and cab fitted to running plate.
I was going to build the saddletank but the wrapper is missing from the kit. I've sent an email off and am awaiting a response.