7mm Iceni Road TMD


Western Thunderer
Following on from the post in my thread about Leeming Yard, I have dug out the board from its hiding place again, and taken a couple of photos!

Size, 4'x18" (not including any fiddle yard, which I still have to make and will probably be 2'x18")

The first photo shows the general track plan (yes they are my feet!), the lower line is at the front, and should be parallel to the middle line. The short stub at the rear is parallel to the edge of the board and I'm not sure whether to have this as a wagon shop line with some gratuitous dual gauge for my small collection of 7mm NG to have a little run or to electrify it and have it as the Electric shed, with the diesel shed (or part of it) at the front right. The fuel point will be a Peter Clark kit.

The second photo shows the underside of the board, the crossbeams and outer edges are all 4" deep. It survived a house move with the most useless man with van (thought it would go in two loads but needed three, and he got lost on the way home! And some stuff was left which my parents had to go and retrieve, and some stuff never made it from Seaham to Ipswich :mad: )
It does flex a little at the moment but once the backscenes are added it should stiffen up.

Just enough to whet the appetite, and I need to think of a name for it!


Western Thunderer
hmm, was kinda thinking Gyppeswick (original name of Ipswich) or a combination of names from Suffolk/East Anglia

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Iceni Way?
Whoa there pardner! Jordan knowning about Magary numbers was bad enough... a member of the BB with views on naming of ancient roads is going to disturb the grey matter from a deep and meaningful slumber. Next thing we know there will a be a blue sparky named after Boedica, complete with scythes on the ends of the axles!!!!


Western Thunderer
I'm honoured to have sparked the grey matter of one so esteemed as yourself :p

Now if his layout had involved a station I might have suggested 'Camulodunum Town', 'Claudia Victricensis' or plain old 'Camulos' :))

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
I'm honoured to have sparked the grey matter of one so esteemed as yourself...
Just be wary young Marsa from Telford for Jordan has written that the A5 was the "Road to Nowhere"... later amended to Telford... and then confirmed as the road to nowhere seeing as Telford was no where at all.
Now if his layout had involved a station I might have suggested 'Camulodunum Town', 'Claudia Victricensis' or plain old 'Camulos' :))
And what is wrong with plain "Colchester Creek"... given that those WTers over in East Anglia seem to like such redolent handles.
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Mid-Western Thunderer
....I might have suggested 'Camulodunum Town', 'Claudia Victricensis' or plain old 'Camulos' :))
"Welease Woderwick!!" :D

Sorry, all those Roman names just set me off on a Python moment....:rolleyes:

Sorry, back to the OP.... it looks a heck of a lot of track to fit in 4ft x 18in... go for it!!:):thumbs:

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
Just be wary young Marsa from Telford for Jordan has written that the A5 was the "Road to Nowhere"... later amended to Telford... and then confirmed as the road to nowhere seeing as Telford was no where at all.

I thought the A5 went to Holyhead...


Western Thunderer
It does flex a little at the moment but once the backscenes are added it should stiffen up.

Put two or three diagonals in your underframe and that should stop the flexing - probably one in each wide "column". If the diagonals are a good fit and are well glued to the underside of the baseboard top and at their ends, the board should stiffen up very well.



Western Thunderer
Sorry but anything in Bandit Country, sorry, Essex is automatically discarded!!

Will have to try the diagonals idea Jim. I thought my nearest supply of foamboard was Hobbycraft at Norwich but I discovered the Range has some at Ipswich!! (I had some at Seaham but that didnt arrive in Ipswich...:mad: )

It was also my intention for the middle track to come from the shed as well, but then the headshunt for the point would have ended up suitable only for a wickham trolley!!


Western Thunderer
Will have to try the diagonals idea Jim. I thought my nearest supply of foamboard was Hobbycraft at Norwich but I discovered the Range has some at Ipswich!! (I had some at Seaham but that didnt arrive in Ipswich...:mad: )

On the thread on my layout I showed the underside of one of my baseboards with diagonals. I used 4mm ply and the diagonals really firmed up the boards such that there was very little deflection possible when I try to twist them.




Western Thunderer
Will have a go when I get a supply of foamboard in!
I could have gone for Six Mile Bottom TMD!! (Six Mile Bottom exists, there used to be a station near it. There is also a Two Mile Bottom in Norfolk!