Website Inspiration

Jordan or Plymouth Mad

Mid-Western Thunderer
1/32 inspiration

Phill Dyson said:
  :eek:                      :eek:              :eek:              :eek:                        :eek:       
    :eek:      :eek:      :eek:          :eek:          :eek:          :eek:      :eek:    :eek:     
          :eek:      :eek:                      :eek:                      :eek:        :eek:                     
I'm also on that Forum ("Sunday Shunter") - there is some gob-smacking stuff on there, but at this point in time I'm rather more interested to know how long it took Phill to work out how to space all those smileys to spell "wow"...?!?!?!
:)) :)) :)) :))

Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
1/32 inspiration

Jordan said:
I'm also on that Forum ("Sunday Shunter") - there is some gob-smacking stuff on there, but at this point in time I'm rather more interested to know how long it took Phill to work out how to space all those smileys to spell "wow"...?!?!?!
:)) :)) :)) :))
:scratch: I need to get out more  :-[  ;D  :))


Western Thunderer
1/32 inspiration

Ressaldar said:
time to go into the darkened room and cry - fabulous work  :drool: :drool: :drool:


room for one more in the there Mike?
:drool:  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  :bowdown:  :drool:


Western Thunderer
until the underframe came into view, I thought - what a great (western) thunder box - brilliant modelling.



Steve Cook

Flying Squad
Loving the detail work and impressed by the beautiful recreation of knackered wood, truly deserving of the  :drool: and :bowdown: icons.

Thought to myself there were shades of Chuck Doan in the method, then saw that his website was linked on the left. If you haven't visited it, please do so.
