Heather Kay
Western Thunderer
Eileen's Emporium and Squires also supply copper wire on reels. I have a stock here that Best Beloved bought for his electronics hobby, but more often finds its way into my modelling.
Great stuff Colin. What do you use as your black powder?
Mick,So that's how you do it what type of acrylic do you use on the roof? I need to rush out and buy some
ATB Mick
Dunno what else I can say that hasn't been said, but wow! Would you mind if I saved a copy of this to take into my modelling den to have a go at attempting please?
The powder I have was given to me some years ago, I hav'nt a clue what it's made from. Not having had to buy any recently I assume there are powders available from various sources.
Heather,This is a brilliant thread, Colin. It's always a pleasure to be let in to see a master at work.
One question: do you varnish to protect the transfers at any stage?