john lewsey
Western Thunderer
I will try an almost like the real thing next time probably worth the extra money.Ive been looking at Brian Daniels coaches and they look much better
how do I get this joint to meet
Graham - those vee hangers look asymmetrical - or may just be the angle of the photograph...
State of play on the BG at the moment not impressed its back in the box .It seems to me that a plastic kit should just slot together with ease, on this one (at least) that doesn't appear to be the case the sides don't have the right profile and don't fit the ends and the ends don't seem to fit into the roof Unless of course. I'm missing something as so many seem to have been built successfully
State of play on the BG at the moment not impressed its back in the box.
The sides fit into the rebate on the back of the ends, the lip touches the back of the side from top to bottom. The sides do not fit into the roof as the roof needs some material to be removed... the roof has an internal lip at cantrail level and it is that lip which prevents the end from fitting up against the underside of the roof.Graham on your coaches are the sides like mine in the top photo
Bob, life is never constant... John told me, earlier in this week past, that he had not ordered the window frame etches hence my comment about a Lot from before (say) 1958. Today John said to me that the kit had been packed with the etched window frames! I guess that this changes the question a bit:-You are correct Bob, I thought the photo showed symmetrical hangers... so that means a bogie with equalised brake gear, pull-rod over the top of the bogie and vac-cyl outside of the brake cross-shaft.
Bob, if John wishes to build a BG without external window frames, BR1 bogies and equalised bogie brakes... when where such carriages built so that a suitable running number is chosen?
Modelling pure and simple.... It might take a bit of work but the answer isn't to promote someone else's kits no matter how good and have a pop at the opposition.