Just for a laugh


Western Thunderer
Something that always makes me despair occurs when folk refrain from being polite, putting themselves last.

Far too often I read, or hear, ''me and my mate,'' rather than, ''my mate and I!''

I always think, ''how wude!''
Depends where you was Brung up mate. " Me and my Mate "...East London-Essex , " My Mate and I ".. West London- Berk's"
Can't beat English dialects :D


Western Thunderer
When I joined my Father's firm as an apprentice he had a chippy working for him, a true Norfolk old boy, his favourite saying was
" You's make I larf boy" he was close to retirement but unfortunately died from serious illness before he did. My Father, myself and others on the firm kept up the phrase when ever we made each other laugh for years after as a sort of tribute to him.