Kettering GOG 2015

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
Great to catch up with everyone again. Having paid for the advanced ticket it was useful as I managed to raid Slaters for stuff before the crowd descended.

Also picked up some nice books, and had an exchange of views with the chaps at the JLTRT stand.

A good day out, marred only by the A406 being solid through Ilford due to roadworks. My fault because I refuse to pay the Dartford tunnel tax and prefer to use the Blackwall Tunnel.

Dave Bowden

Western Thunderer
Hi All
It was nice to go this time and be driven there for a change, I put four items on the bring and buy and took them home with me, seems nobody was interested in LNWR & West Coast Joint Stock coach kits (3) at £75 pounds each. Shall have to try them again at the next GOG show.

It was nice to meet again with WT members at the test track at noon and for me to meet Richard in person to reminisce over our visit in February to the Harz narrow gauge railway in Germany. I hope we continue to meet at these show as it is nice to put faces to peoples names.



Western Thunderer
Just got back from Kettering. Great day and good to catch up with lots of people and money was exchanged. I think I'm down on the day but it's all good :)


Western Thunderer
Nice to catch up with the Brigade and managed to source some decent scenic bits from Skytrex to build my factory unit and add some much needed bits to the layout. I am desperate to get my mojo back and it will be this year. The Colonel also behaved himself only because he knew I had a magnet in my pocket :eek::D

Downside is the decision that I won't be going again as for what I actually buy and the people I see it is not worth the stress and strain on an already knackered back. So it will only be Telford for me from now on unless I happen to be in the area or the Colonel does the driving,

Toodles ;)


Western Thunderer
Nice day out, spent little really, picked up a couple of US 4 bay covered hopper wagons at £15 a punt, they need a lot of work, I did take the 40' box cars to sell but couldn't part with them so they stayed in the car, also picked up some lovely castings from Ragstone for the A3 :thumbs:

I did like the look of the Heljan Falcon, I do hope they do one in the brown ochre livery, the green one looked good as did the weathered blue one, but I need a brown ochre one for my 'Master Cutler' in 62 ;)

Due to a lack of photos taken at the show, hereby follows a blatant diversion, none of which probably interests anyone else here except me, sad as it is, I still find trains very appealing, even up to date modern stuff.

Being as it was such a lovely afternoon I dragged Phil around some ECML spots I haunt and had a little photo jaunt, I'm finding more and more that it makes more of the day if you can include something else rather than just the show.

First stop was Huntingdon, sod all moving there, only interesting thing was a local stopper that the police were called to as some drunken yob had offended or assaulted a young girl on the train, so that screwed all down local trains as it blocked the line in the station.

Next stop the S bends at Offord Cluny, a favourite area back in the 30's for the LNER to shoot promotional photos of the new streaks.
A North bound service catches the low sun as it races away and piles on the power back to 125mph after the slacks through Offord curves. This one I think I'm going to print and hang on the wall, I have a couple of picture frames in the study that I rotate images through as suits my fancy.

A local stopper ambles down the up slow. I hate dot matrix displays, unless you use a slow shutter speed they just look gibberish as the matrix is flashing at a rate the human eye cannot see, but fast shutter speeds can.

Next stop was St Neots
A Northbound Hull Trains Adalante thunders flat out (125mph) up the grade toward St Neots, I like these, sleek, diesel, and bloody quick on their heels, just what modern rail transport should be. It would of been nicer if it were an HST, better yet a Paxman HST, but I think best of all would be a Deltic on a northbound sweeper service;)

A Southbound 12 car local catches the last of the evening sun as it heads away toward London under a sea of catenary, MkIII catenary is supposed to be eye sore friendly :eek:

A good day at the show, but a great day out :cool:

Normal service will now resume...:thumbs:
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Western Thunderer
Fantastic shots! That overhead infrastructure is pretty intense - I'm never going to complain about wind turbines be-spoiling the landscape again.


Western Thunderer
Hi all,

sorry that I missed the 'meet-up' but was diverted too many times. I did bump into a goodly number from WT during my walk-about, special thanks to Warren for the celly painting tips.

Now that I am beginning to see the tunnel (having settled Auntie and Uncle in their Care home) and therefore hopefully the light at the end of it, I parted with money for a JLTRT 22 and an MSC motor gearbox for it and quite a few jars of weathering paints (now that postie is too nambie to carry them) to last until the next show - Leigh? But still have a lot on the workbench to finish having been nowhere near the workshop since the beginning of November last year.

Hopefully, more postings to follow shortly.




Western Thunderer
Just as a little update to atone for my brash modern image photos earlier and appease the blue brigade gods.

I mentioned to Phil that I had one other shot of St Neots in the early 80's and here seems the appropriate place to air it.

25 xxx_St Neots.jpg

It's changed a bit over the years but to put it into context we parked my car just about where that trap point is on the left. I'd spotted the class 25 as we came into St Neots on the way to Macclesfield and badgered my father to stop so I could grab a photo, class 25 were not common this far south on the ECML.

Emma H

Active Member
A Southbound 12 car local catches the last of the evening sun as it heads away toward London under a sea of catenary, MkIV catenary is supposed to be eye sore friendly :eek:

<picky mode on>

It's MkIII catenary, not MkIV

<picky mode off>


Nice photo's BTW :thumbs:

Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
and got duped by my lad into a Lima coach for £38, but it does have etched trucks, steel wheels & 3-links. I'm just a soft touch :oops: When he loses interest it can go on The Bay... ;)
Also got some other bits'n'bobs, but nothing American - in fact very little US stuff there, and the SD40 on the bring'n'buy was well overpriced... :rolleyes:
I think you will find that this side of the pond we have BOGIES old chap:p;):D


Western Thunderer
I think I saw Phill at Kettering, trying to disguise himself with shorter hair!

It was good to see everyone again.


richard carr

Western Thunderer

Some nice photos, what focal length lens were you using, it looks very telephoto.

Just exactly where were you to take this photos its looks a good location.



Western Thunderer

Some nice photos, what focal length lens were you using, it looks very telephoto.

Just exactly where were you to take this photos its looks a good location.


That's my 70-300L series zoom lens, cost's a fortune, well relatively speaking but takes seriously crisp shots, even on an old dog tooth 40D.

The first two photos are taken at the road crossing in Offord Cluny looking north toward Huntingdon, looking south is a no go here, the bends are all wrong and your shooting into the sun from midday, before that the line is in shadow from trees to the East. Unless of course your looking for backlit arty high contrast photos.

The second two shots are from St Neots station looking south.


Red circle is the public crossing at Offord Cluny, blue circle is a nice quiet open space for panoramic or pan shots, below.
82222_Offord Cluny.JPG

82222_Offord Cluny_02.JPG
Initially I was disappointed with this one, but as many have pointed out, it does show speed very well. I will go back here for more pan shots I really want one in the rain with spray whipping off the pantograph:thumbs: and some sun ones of HST's and Adelante's.

There's a couple of other places I'd like to explore around here especially where the river is right alongside the tracks by the Offord Cluny crossing, good for afternoon shots and then do some more between St Neots and Sandy.

Hope that helps.
